Gonna do this!
A writing challenge from @ncumisa
OK. So, first things first.
These are the things that make me happy!
- Bees – my sister from another mister. I met her in college a quarter of a century ago. Saying that makes me feel old. But yeah, in 1997; we were college buds. And now we live together in the same home.
Who knew?
- Julz – my other sister from another mister. When I met her over two years ago, we just clicked and I don’t think anything like that besides Bees, has ever happened to me.
- My mom. She isn’t my birth mom but she is my mother. I love her dearly and would do anything for her. She is truly amazing.
- Potato crisps. I don’t like a lot of sweets, even the diabetic ones… so I usually choose chips over anything else.
- Taylor Swift – I truly am a Swiftie. She is the best.
- Sir Olivier Doggo. He is the floofiest dog ever. I have a video of him here and some pix here.
- Tim Horton’s cold brewed coffee. LOVE this.
- Huckleberry Finn the book. Love his disregard for being proper. LOL
- Bananas – Love banana bread, and just plain naner guns.
- Last but not least! YOU. I
That’s it til tomorrow!
I read ‘Bees’ and was shocked to think you were happy about bees…apparently those things f’ing hurt…but I read a lil more and realised you were referring to you ‘sister from another mister’
You like Tayler Swift? Why? I kinda just always thought of her an a angry youngster…writing songs about all hear heartbreak…which is kinda funny since I seem to have a rhythm of breaking down songs to fit with my emotions…mmm…maybe I will listen to her some more.
Love you too Sammy
@ncumisa LOL yes. Bees the person is my sister Colleen, Bees is her nickname. I actually hate bugs esp, stinging ones.
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I like Tayler swift too
@kaliko Tay is amazing isn’t she??
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16 ——- my cat
@ihavenoarms You miss your kitty? Aww… *hugs*
@kartoffeltorte i had a big orange tabby cat for 14 years but had to have her put down she stopped eating lost her eye sight
@ihavenoarms Aww…
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