Game of Thrones addiction and …. idk what else…

I have a new e-mail that you can send all manner of stuff to… just not viruses and death threats.
I love Daenerys. I know Jon Snow killed her, but that was in bad taste. She wasn’t evil, just trying to rule an unruly kingdom. But, I digress… send me stuffs at capisce?
I am just waiting a few more minutes for my second insulin shot of the day… I usually do it, at 7a and 4:20p.
I rage quit my iPad mini. I fucking did. Amir has a slightly damaged iPad 4 for me to trade as well as this Chinese android. Fucking A. Forgive the f-bombs, I am just shitting bricks right now.
We WILL get this mess figured out. Much xoxo goes out to my @heffay!!!!
I never watched even a single episode of GOT. I probably should’ve, since everyone and their mother seems to like it. Maybe I’ll do an OnDemand thing and catch it… if I can get into it.
@caria I love it. Good luck…
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I am sorry that I couldn’t figure things out with Apple. I really wanted to be able to get you into your email.
@heffay There has to be a way… has to.
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I loved GOT until the last season. I mean, I still watched it all the way through but the last season/ending could have been so much better.
@queenofegypt IKR?
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I’ve actually seen the whole series but I couldn’t tell you what it was about. My husband and our friends were all into it so we watched religiously with them. I was there for the desserts.
@bitterpill Ha! XD
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