Fuck these titles..

Why the fuck do we need titles anyways??? My sister got her iPad mini back from her brother Michael but forgot to ask her dad the passcode, I tried 123456 and 000000…. nope, Bees tried her birthdate … nope. So she will phone her father at 11a. I hate when they don’t include the bloody code. So unless you have the code, your system is bricked. Shitfuck.
My score this morning was 4.7 and then after breakie it was 5.6 and now it’s 9.8 so it’s in target.
Fuck diabetes, fuck iPads that don’t have a good code that you can get a hold of, and fuck headaches. I’ve got one.
My sister Bees is beside me. She makes my day every day in every way.
Mom is proud of my scores. I am happy.
You can just write in the date.
@skobru True Scott but my dates are melded together these days, I have no idea which day is which lololol
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Good on your for your scores!! And I hope you got the code for the iPad. Sooo frustrating when you can’t use your gear.
@novembercirese She got it. TY sweetie.
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