For the lack of a great title…

If I don’t have a subject title, I will usually type in a string of latin phrases, that, to me, doesn’t make sense, but then, a lot of things don’t make sense to me. Heh…

So today, this morning actually, I got to see the sun rise. It was lovely, and I don’t always get to see that. So yeah.. 🙂

I am just waiting on Ry, he shifts out at 1p and Mom is back for the week. Don’t know if Sonia works this weekend. I have a feeling that she quit bc she has too much on her plate as it is? 

I can hear the freighters come by, their wheels clackety clacking. It might be the GO trains too…. but they are different from the freight trains.

Anyways, see ya!


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September 7, 2021

I watch the sunrise most mornings.  The skies go from midnight blue to periwinkle to rose to robin’s egg blue.  It’s a beautiful transition.  And I never ever get tired of it.

September 9, 2021

@novembercirese Purty ain’t it?