Bored shitless… but that’s ok…

I’m ok, I just decided to be a smarmy lil bitch. 😉 I am just listening to the Ramones.
I love punk rock.
So what are y’all up to? I am mainly on my DW/zibaldone over here. A zibaldone is basically a running monologue… which I do here too but since I totally fucked up the e-mail addresses on this, I am pretty much stuck with using a non existant e-mail (I know I know) or just writing in my DW… which sucks bc I love y’all.
Just updating you on the situation. I have asked the OD staff to help me but nope. 🙁 Jeffy @heffay even tried. 🙁
The things I put myself through. Oy vey.
Problems problems. I have an entire stack of them at the moment. I hope they are resolved by my birthday, which is Tuesday. I hope you work out your problems too!
@novembercirese Happy Birthday my dear!!! 😀
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wow that’s sucks
@ihavenoarms ikr???
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I am still hoping the staff will contact one of us. Who knows. It would be nice to get this fixed.
@heffay Let me know if they actually answer you. I left the DM a message and I haven’t heard back, either.
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Ah, the whole thing about using an old email you don’t have access to sucks!! Especially when you can’t get anything accomplished because you can’t get into the stupid email. I hope they resolve this for you!!!
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