Another dream

Yet another crazy dream, this one in fragments… I can’t remember any of it but it was a weird dream alright. I just tested my blood; 6.9 which is good. I need to drink more water… I’m parched…
I just had my breakfast, scrambled eggs, oatmeal and texas toast. I am going to stay in today bc it is going to be a scorcher yet aga
Was watching a bit of Fuller House on Netflix… that show is super corny… Full House was always very sappy… I don’t like that sitcom.
Today I am just going to stay cool, and relax. I was going to clean but my lower back is twinging. Maybe later on? I did clean a bit, but .. well, I could take an Aleve and finish up. Or tough it out and just ignore the pain?
D & G are starting their shit again. D is trying to play nice with Bees for some reason… and G was being nosy.. as she always is.
Maybe I can clean while listening to a 80’s playlist… that always gets me fired up.
Mm.. we shall see? Julz and Bees are thinking of taking me to the Fresh Tea Shop for some cheesecake and bubble tea for my birthday. They are so sweet. <3
wow nice cheesecake
@ihavenoarms Yepp.
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