An ultimatum…

Today I was given an ultimatum by my landlord, either shape up or ship out. I need to budget my money. I need to stop relying on others. Otherwise, I’m on my arse. This is a tad depressing to me, but I will not let it bug me too much bc I know I can change. I am scared shitless that I will fuck up and end up destitute. I want to stay in this group home. I don’t need more shit thrown at me. So…

That’s why I have kept radio silence for awhile.

Also, I’m addicted to the Sims 3… I know I know, I have a love/hate relationship with it… but it is beginning to grow on me.

Shit. I need to budget. I get $50 a week. I am not sure that this will work out…



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August 31, 2021

Oh no, Sammy! You can’t get kicked out. I will go over there and fight them. You can get this figured out.

September 1, 2021
August 31, 2021

Be careful, Sammy! You don’t want to get kicked out of there! You can get on a budget and stick with it. It will just take willpower. You can do it. You have it in you.

September 1, 2021

@caria TY Carina 🙂

September 1, 2021

You can do this! $50 a week is alot in my opinion especially when you don’t have to get gas for a car. I often use less than that a week.

September 1, 2021

@mamaqueenie518 Thanks Mama! 😀

September 1, 2021

so sorry all the  bast to you

September 2, 2021

@ihavenoarms TY Todd 🙂

September 2, 2021

You can do this! Write down the things you absolutely need to spend money on, and don’t go off that list, at least until you know you’ve got the hang of budgeting. I believe in you!