An evening walk around Joseph Street…
I have my iPad with me, and I have been getting a lot of praise on my photography skillz. Pretty damn cool if you ask moi. And Joseph has some really nice architecture. They have more heritage homes on their street than we do ours… I live in the historic poor side of Newmarket, the newer parts are like Stonehaven, and Leslie Valley… they have the newer bigger houses, we have the historical medium sized home.
Our hometown boys!
Jim Carrey and John Candy and Glass Tiger… all from my town.
I will do another chapter of the Let’s Play maybe tonight?
Tomorrow is supposed to be stinking hot. I hate when it’s overly hot. It’s just like, thnxbutnothnx.
What’s new with y’all?? We are having seafood pasta tonight with scallops and shrimp! Woo!!
We must all be in a seafood mood. We’re having cod. It’s raining so we’ll probably bake it unless my husband wants to stand out in the rain to grill it. That won’t happen, lol.
@icchyb LOL! Cod is delicious!
It’s supposed to rain today…
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