A difference a nap can do..

Hey… yeah, I had a nap, and oh the difference it makes. I am more alert, my innards are not hurting much anymore, no collywobbles or pain, I am happy and that is all that matters. I am going out tomorrow to Timmy’s with my girls and Julz wants to pay for my birthday dinner and Bees’ too.
She is a peach.
July 2, is a few weeks away…
I am almost at 50. I don’t feel like an older woman, I feel as young as a breeze.
I am in a quandary, I like both the Las Vegas Golden Knights and the Montreal Canadiens! Who do I cheer for?! Both?? LOL!!
I guess that whatever team wins, I will be happy for.
My sister is getting me a panini at Timmy’s tomorrow, so rest easy @NovemberCirese, no eclair. My sister knows I can’t have that much sugar.
Thank you for caring.
Sammy xoxo
im going for Vegas Golden Knights as Montreal Canadiens beat out my toronto maple leafs
@ihavenoarms Oh yeah Todd? I love the Habs and the Knights equally so…
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Don’t you go everywhere with the “girls??”
I’ll be 67 on June 27th and, as you can see, I still make sixth-grade jokes…
@solovoice Yes, yes sir I do.
Happy early Birthday! 
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