love without rage

It’s Sunday afternoon.

The sky is dry and beautiful and blue.

It lies to me, promising such a beautiful day.

But I’m no fool. I’ve been here before.

I know nothing can keep the storms away.

Waves retreat from the shore, a warning of the approaching storm.

It’s been brewing in your eyes, sky blue darkened to a steely gray.

All at once your rage descends on me, a crushing tsunami wave.

Destructive is the power you wield over me.

You are armed with the knowledge of my every flaw, past mistake, and insecurity.

Every secret part of me. You use it all to destroy me.

All I know of trust and love is stolen and washed away.

Along with all the things that make it feel like home to me.

Memories are all that remain as scars on the landscape from happier days.

Now the storm is gone and I am still standing strong.

But I was a fool to believe in a love without rage.

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