backstories, busy days, bumbling drunks

So, last weekend we went to murfreesboro to see chase’s dad and little brothers. The youngest, grayson, was turning 4. And Ian turned 6 this past december. Those two boys mean the world to us. After his dad and stepmom divorced, well… to make a long story short… I stayed home with them 3-4 days a week from 5am-5pm, and chase stayed with them the other 1-2 days every week.  This was all so that his dad could go back to work and be able to keep them. I worked nights, so I hardly got any sleep for a good year…I was tired and cranky…but I wouldn’t trade that time with them for the world. Ian started kindergarten this year, and grayson will start preschool soon. It felt a little bit like abandoning them when we moved back to my hometown last fall, but it was something we had to do to get our life going.  We were doing so much for his dad…we were drowning. He took advantage of the help. And just as I suspected, he would find a way to make it without us. I know that one day, he might really need us to step in and take on a bigger role, helping to raise the boys, and we needed to be prepared for that. So, Chase took a job with the police department here in my hometown, mainly because he heard back from them before any of the applications around murfreesboro or nashville. He decided to make the move from the city police to the state department of corrections for a few reasons.. He didn’t feel quite ready to go out onto the streets. Prison, while volatile, is a more controlled environment, there’s a little bit less that can go wrong. Many would disagree. But the pay, benefits, and educational opportunities are unparalelled. So.. that’s part of the reason I decided to look into it, as well.  So, now, if anything happens to chase’s dad, we will be in a better position to provide for the boys, since we cannot rely on their mother.

I start the academy on Monday. I’ll be able to come home on weekends. I might not be able to write for awhile, but I will try.

Anyway…that wasn’t really making a long story short. haha.

Graysons birthday was fun. We had a really good visit, and took them some easter baskets since we won’t be there for easter.

While we were there, we decided to send out a mass text message to some of our old friends from work to see if anyone wanted to have lunch on sunday. There were 12 of us. We ended up taking over the patio at La Siesta. It was fun. I miss those kids like crazy. We hadn’t seen most of them since we moved, but it was just like old times. It’s kindof sad though, to hear that the old group doesn’t really get together anymore. Our place was where we were all together, which is flattering to hear….but it’s still kindof sad. I never really thought of us as the glue of the group, but that’s what we’re told. 

We had planned on leaving Murfreesboro directly after lunch on sunday, but we were easily persuaded to stay just a little longer. So, after a trip to the licquor store, we settled onto Summers back patio, where I proceeded to drink myself silly. (It was chase’s turn to drive, so he didn’t have a single drink. We are ever so responsible, like that.) I really can’t tell you how the time passed. Music, drinknig, talking, taking pictures, drinking… One drunken stumble to the car for cashews and off brand cheezits, which I like to call "cheezus cheapits" when I’m drunk. I can’t remember why that was hilarious to everyone… Maybe it’s the mental image of drunk jesus eating some cheezits…

I love how hilarious everything is when I’m drunk. Chase says that I’m an adorable drunk, but I really can’t believe that. Drunk people are usually obnoxious and annoying and completely un-funny. I don’t ever ever ever remember seeing a drunk person (while I’m sober)  and thinking… "adorable!" He must just be biased, which is alright with me, I suppose. I don’t get drunk so often these days. I definitely don’t miss the hangovers. At least I entertain people when I’m drunk. I’d much rather be considered hilarious than an asshole.

But, in all seriousness, that was probably the first time I’ve been intoxicated in for EVER. It’s such a waste of empty calories. It’s bad for your liver and kidneys….bleh. Even if you are super responsible about it like Chase and I, it’s still not good for you.  Don’t drink!! ha. Why am I so preachy?

It’s just, that’s what we did with those friends. Not always, but in celebration. And the reunion was definitely a celebration.

We had to be back for Chase to get some sleep and work monday night. So that means we had to leave murfreesboro at 1am. I was in no condition to be in a moving vehicle for 5 hours. The car was packed down with boxes of stuff we had to take with us, so I couldn’t even recline my chair. I felt so sick!  And Chase was so tired. We’d been up since early that morning. I wouldn’t be able to drive for at least 8 or 10 hours. So poor Chase had to drive the whole way. Our 4 1/2 to 5 hour trip ended up taking us over 7 hours b ecause he kept having to pull over at rest stops to nap, so we wouldn’t run off the road. 

We got home around 830 am… the bed was looking so beautiful. ha!  We slept and slept and slept…until around 3:30 when Chase had to get up and start thinking about getting ready for work.

So, that was last weekend, in a large, ginormous, long winded nut-shell.



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April 10, 2009

Can’t say I knew any adorable drunks , but hilarious drunks, there were quite a few of them I recall…. those were the days my friend. 🙂