Phone interview, clothes shopping, etc..
Monday already?
So, my phone interview was on Friday. I was so nervous, I thought I had completely bombed it. I was put on speaker phone with 6 committee members or so, and they each took turns asking a couple of questions. I HATE committee interviews. Anyways, about 30 mins afterward, she called me back and scheduled an in person interview for Thursday. Eeeek! I’m nervous. I am 1 of 2 or 3 candidates that got called for a second interview. We’ll see if my nerves get the best of me on Thursday! I have done a lot of what this job is asking for when I was a student worker at the university. I think my chances are pretty decent, unless the other candidate is already working at a university or college lol. I dunno. I’m not getting my hopes up or anything. I’m scared of actually getting the job. It will mean so many changes for us to deal with. We will have to figure out daycare, and the logistics of getting everyone where they need to be on time. I guess I will worry about that when/if the time comes.
I bought a new outfit for my interview this afternoon. I wanted to wear my suit, but the suit jacket is too big. I bought a new suit jacket over the weekend, but when I tried it on at home, I decided the button under my boobs was too tight and it made me look pregnant. So my new outfit is dressy, but not quite a suit. I just need to go pick up some accessories this evening. I got my hair cut and highlighted on Saturday. I had NEVER had anything done to my hair with color before. I was a little nervous about it. I wound up getting highlights that are a few shades lighter than my hair. She made it blend really well, and it just looks like my whole head of hair has just been lightened. If you didn’t really know, you almost wouldn’t notice. I like it. I may go even blonder next time Now I just need to figure out how I want to style my hair for Thursday.
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Good luck tomorrow!
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Good luck tomorrow!
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Good luck tomorrow!
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