And now back to our regular programming

Yeah, Roger obviously has zero control over his relationship with Vickie, Vicki, however the fuck she spells her name. Idgaf.


But I DO give a fuck that she thinks it’s perfectly okay to drop me a line to ease her mind about Roger’s whereabouts. Yeah, that shit won’t be happening anymore.


When I found out Roger was using meth, I knew I would never be able to compete so I didn’t even try. For a solid six months, I read everything I could get my hands on about that poison and all I found out in the end was that I’d have better luck surviving a free fall off the Golden Gate bridge before I wrestled him away from its death grip.


I DO give a fuck that she thinks it’s okay to disrupt my life and reawaken the trauma I’ve tried so hard to overcome. It isn’t fair that she can drop a bomb on me out of nowhere and then sit back and watch my house burn.


No. She ain’t doing that again.


I’m the ONLY one with compassion here.


Her’s is as fake as a Louis Vuitton bag at a garage sale in the hood and I’m tired of the sick fucking fascination she has with me messing with her boyfriend.


First of all, why don’t you rip his phone apart and find the bitch he’s talking to and call her up like you did ME. Call her ass up and stalk and threaten her like you did ME, for starters.


Once she got a response from me she went straight to him, I’ve no doubt. And now her little mind will be eased for the next few months. Lmfao, she tried to tell me she was SO worried that I didn’t respond last time she texted, IN MAY. More like she was worried I was sucking the dick she considers hers. Take your low class ass somewhere else. I am sick of you popping up like a pimple on my ass.



And he’s probably sick to fucking death of being accused of being with me or with anyone, for that matter. Yet he is getting some form of twisted up sexual gratification from allowing her to have her thumb on him 24/7 and cause all sorts of drama for him and for me.I don’t get it.


Wtf did I do to him besides love him? Oh! That’s right! I was too “Dom”, yet I’m the only one not trying to run his life, demand his love and affection or keep him on his own porch at night. I’m not the one calling people he is trying to forget and making his life miserable, spending his money and ruining his reputation and making him look like he lost his last shred of independence.


It probably turned him off that I wasn’t willing to show up on his door to tear his shit apart or try to beat his wife or her up. I have no flipping clue at this point, I just know that he’s NOT interested in me and she looks like a fool every time she assumes he is. She’s the one keeping me in her life, NOT him…he doesn’t give a fuck about me and she better get her self esteem out of the toilet and act like a normal person before her neediness gets the best of her.


And wtf man finds this shit attractive? Whatever this woman brings to the table must be fan fucking tastic and yeah, HE is the one that told me she didn’t have it in her to hurt me and that she would not do anything to hurt me when all she’s EVER done is hurt me. He could care less that this nasty bitch won’t stop because I guess he feels I deserve the pain. Same reason he doesn’t deem me worthy of an apology. I am beneath him.


Idk anymore. He just lets her do what she wants to me and no longer gives two fucks about protecting me…nope, we gotta protect our commodity…or our abuser, I’m not sure which category she falls in, but it’s one or the other cuz he sure lets her run him around like she’s the boss. If she is, I’d ask for hazard pay.


Wtf man wants someone that he has to constantly appease and reassure and babysit? I’ll tell you what kind…the kind that wants to exploit that neediness in some way. Or, the kind that has no self worth. Or, the kind that’s intimidated by strong, resourceful women that will fight back with intellect and not a whiskey bottle upside the head.


I just wasn’t exciting enough any more and I was getting to be too much work and time so he found someone easier. Someone with lower expectations of him.


And that someone was you, Vickie.


So go enjoy the spoils of your victory and karma kicks your ass for me every single time your tortured mind has to call me for confirmation that your kill is still inside your cave made of dung and my Lioness ass hasn’t drug it off yet.


That’s karma, reminding you that you shouldn’t try to take things you have no idea how to maintain and you certainly shouldn’t hurt others for what you thought would be personal gain.


I take back what I said. You deserve every second of awkward torturous angst you have in your heart every time you feel insecure about the person you hope loves you enough to prove it by being faithful.


See what you did here? You got your little band aid put on your heart by reaching out to me and I got disemboweled all over again. Why do you need to get your peace of mind by breaking me all over again? You are a stupid and impulsive woman and I’ve had enough of you for real. I hope every day brings you the pain your heart dishes out so easily to others. You’re entitled to NOTHING when it comes to me. You are not entitled to SHIT and that includes my fucking time and my acknowledgement. I don’t have to text you back, you ignorant fuck. I don’t owe you ANYTHING. I was just being kind, but never again.


I’m sick of the vitriol and hate I spew every time I remember that you took what I loved the most and now I’m sick of being reminded of it.


I cannot fucking stand the likes of you because you get off on my pain and that is why I will DIE before I let you see that pain or see me in a weakened state because bitch, you will NEVER break me. And neither will he.


Wtf made you think you were any different than the rest of us?


Doesn’t matter now, cuz you found out you ain’t.


I would be scared too, for the day of reckoning you got coming your way.


Must suck wandering thru life in Kevlar clothing.


I guess I got you to thank for making me bulletproof, even when I’m naked.






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