Thank you for stating the obvious
I would just like to thank my friend Adam for stating the obvoius. The obvious he knows I have been in some form of denial over. And thusly making it even harder to try and deny. THANKS dude.
Had some good conversations tonight. Talked to Sam about something other than his needing help with schoolwork for the first time in what seems like ages. That boy does not change.
Long conversation disagreeing with Ben about paths in life and what a world of shit you are in if your path is incompatible with your significant others path. Acording to him it’s just fine. Acording to me, he doesn’t understand the meaning of incompatible. LOL Ben and I, while totally close friends, see the world so differently it’s like we live in completely different ones.
I also took another look at my diary name… and am remembering where in my life I came up with it, why, and how significant it truly is and how I need to not forget it at a time like this in its entirety… "You can’t change the past and you can’t regret the future."
Being scared can be a form of regretting the future.
Now time to take some deep breathes, watch a little House, and sleep.