It almost seems easy to reach out and take life. (Love is life)
You’re there. So close. Tasteable. (Not real but real)
But this empty (the wait) is now routine. It’s comfortable.(It IS me) Where once I would look for your love (because I did, and do, and always will, love you), I now confide in solitude. (I will love again)
Where once I would find saftey in your arms.(I loved the feel of you) I find peace alone. (alone doesnt seem to describe how it is to be by yourself)
Life is truely better with someone else. (True?)
The most we can aspire to is love. It brings us from ordinary to extrodinary. (Very true.)
But it shouldnt be faked. Solitude is better then taking that easy, fake, and forced life, (Or so I tell myself night after night.)
Because there is living. (As I am now.) And then there is living in love.(As I hope to be.) Its the difference between black and white. (Funny because sometimes they feel the same)
Life is truely life when your loved, and you love back. Life is seemingly lifeless when your empty and alone. (This we all know)
Every moment is golden when I know you’re there thinking of me. Every second is priceless when I am thinking of you.
It seems so corny to say you are my breath in the morning. But to those like me it reaches beyond corny, to corny slash true.
This day is beautiful because of you. This life is wonderful because at some point you will be found. (ah! hope!)
This wait is easy because I love you.( not that easy)
I want you to know that statement is true. I love you. And even now I am thinking of you. Always of you.
She kisses my neck, and I reach for you.
She holds my hand and I long for you.
You are my greatest asperation. You are this. You are that. You are everything that counts. Remember this when you think of me.
This day I thought of you. And today I think of you again. You are in the corners of my mind, forever. And I love you. Then. Now. Always.
You have been a part of me since before I was me. Look at it and you will see. Your mine, and I am yours.
You are my everything. Thank you for giving me life.( rebirth)