Friends Only.

Top Row: Me, gorgeous boyfriend Teejy, Douglas the girl hamster :]
Bottom Row: Tilly my puppy, Fiona my bestest friend, and El, my other best friend.

This is me and these are the people I love.
I’m Anna, I’m 20 and I like books, tea and fairy lights.
I try and update regularly.
That doesn’t mean my life is day-to -day though 🙂

If you want to read more, just leave me a note below.


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May 9, 2011

haha i know, it sounds pretty accurate to me.

May 9, 2011

hehe, i like the picture of the guy with the caption “My hands are so full of prostitute I can’t put my winnings away”

May 9, 2011

You are BEAUTIFUL… and your boyfriend has nicer hair than I do.

May 9, 2011

This is perfect! I love it 🙂

May 9, 2011

aww please add me 🙂 ps.. your so pretty 🙂

May 9, 2011

i’m lost! I can still see your entries (long-time reader)

May 9, 2011

Thou art gorgeous. And need I ask to read more of you? T_T Please let me in? 🙁

May 12, 2011

Hi Anna!You are very beautiful in body And mind.I am 67 and when I was 15 I became anorexic.I am normally 10 stone and I went to 7 and a half stone!At 5’6″,I was all bone.I was jaundiced and had stopped menstruating.My dear,please look after your NEW self.IMy father had died suddenly when I was 14 and my Mother had a breakdown I hid my grief.You have achieved the milestone of telling people…….

May 12, 2011

Keep doing that,and learn to love yourself.You have great friends and a lovely boyfriend.They love you as you are.I have got to know myself REALLY well.At 25 I became alcoholic for 10 yrs.I haven’t had a drink for over 30yrs.Getting sober was like getting to know ME!I married the most gorgeous man and now have 3 children 9grandcildren and one great-grandie.I accept myself.You can too.God Blessxxxx

May 12, 2011

Can I be aan aging Friend please?lots of lovexx

May 19, 2011

ryn;; Copywriting is a blast, and I’m loving the way I get experience in so many other channels while I’m at it!

May 22, 2011

Prettiness all around!

May 23, 2011

Gorgeous pup and hammy <3 You’re so very pretty. xxx

June 25, 2011

Can I be added please?

July 1, 2011

I’d love to read on!