Brutally factual political season thoughts
Dear Diary. As you recall, when I laid the ground rules for keeping you….I told you that we would only deal with one thing here: the truth. Honesty was described as the foundation on which you would be built and that we might ruffle a few feathers. Too bad. No one has to read you who doesn’t want to!
I have up to this point withheld any entries dealing with social issues; however, that is about to change. With Kelly enjoying Montana’s Rocky Mountains at the annual Ovarian Cancer survivor’s retreat at the moment, I have some time to record a few truths in your cyber-pages.
What is the deal with the Democratic party today? In a nation in which the vast majority of it’s citizens live a conservative life-style, how in the world does the once proud Democratic party allow itself to be so dominated by the far left? This country literally has millions and millions of good people who seemingly, without any thought whatsoever, continue to vote for a party that espouses and embraces policies completely in contrast with how they live their lives?
Diary, one of the two major political parties in this nation embrace and promote an agenda which is totally at odds with the values and world view of most of it’s members. Yet, it’s members continue to support the party when they should be working to change it, to improve it.
What America needs right now is something that will never happen. The Democratic party should throw out those who reside in their liberal fantasy world. I’m talking about those in positions of power, their Presidential candidate, their Senate leaders, and all the rest of them who are for such things as:
Increasing taxes. When I watch the Demoratic National Convention, I see a frenzy of delegates cheering wildly, seemingly having no awareness that their leaders want to take more and more of their hard-earned money. Lets get spending under control. The government is taking too much of our money now. Consider all of the different taxes you pay. See what I mean?
Removing any and all mention of a Christian God from our society while their hippocracy allows for promotion of other religions, Islam, Buddhist, and all the rest. Legions of liberal ACLU lawyers and the fear of lawsuit have inflicted incredible damage to this nation. We all know many, many good Christian people who support the Democratic party in the ballot box despite this fact. Why?
A never ending supply of money taken from honest, hard working people by corrupt labor unions. The indisputable fact is that America’s labor unions have a long history of corruption and that, although they take money from both Democratic and Republican members in the form of union dues, they invariably give a portion of it to support the Democrats and they also pressure all members to vote Democratic as much as they possibly can.
Promoting and requiring all to embrace alternative life-styles. It takes a man and a woman to make a baby. Regardless of what anyone says, it simply is not natural for any other combination to "hook up". And, lest you forget, dear diary, I love my brother who actively lives a homo-sexual lifestyle. I do not judge him or anyone. That is for God to do when the time comes.
Blaming America’s military for everything and thinking of it as a bully. This makes no sense whatsoever. The millions of brave men and women who have and are serving our nation have made, in many cases, the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our liberty. This is the best and greatest nation this world has ever seen. America has liberated millions world wide through the years and there is no other more desired way of life than to be able to live in freedom. Without our Armed Services, these anti-military, moronic pacifists would have no freedom to express their idiotic ideas. Isn’t it amazing that the same far left liberals who decry this war against radical Islam don’t realize that these fanatics would cut their heads off if given the chance?
I could go on and on, dear diary…but I will end this sad list of things the Democratic party in 2008 stands for with the most horrific, mind-numbing one of them all:
Abortion on-demand. I will never, ever, as long as I live understand this. How does it come to this? That the defining issue of one of America’s two major political parties believes…..even promotes….the killing of the most vulnerable, the most defenseless among us? Why do good people support this by voting Democratic? How do we as a society allow this to happen? In America today, with the mother’s permission, a "so called" physician can suck the life out of a baby. It can be forcibly removed from the womb and be eliminated. Not only that, but it is legal to partially deliver this small human being, and then a "so called" doctor can stick a knife in the back of it’s head and vacuum out it’s brains and flush them down the drain, killing the child. Believe it or not, dear diary, it gets even worse, if you can believe it. One of our two Presidential candidates has voted in favor of allowing a "doctor" to kill a baby who somehow manages to survive a botched abortion. Infanticide. The killing of a newly born baby. That is ok according to today’s Democratic party and that is simply indefensible. It cannot be justified. There are millions and millions of people out there who would love to adopt.
No, the Republican party is not perfect. Far from it. But, one indisputable fact remains, the Republican party is not where the far left resides. No, diary, these people who are so very wrong on so many issues (all of them), not only live in the Democratic party, they dominate it.
May God help us.
Funny entry, I laughed.
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I whole-heartedly agree with you. Excellent entry.
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Random: I totally agree with you… it’s good to read someone who mostly shares my viewpoints. I feel in the minority, especially on my liberal college campus.
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It’s been so long since you’ve written. Bring us up-to-date!
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