
Hey everyone!

So I cant sleep because it is so friken hot in the room so I decided to update a little on the past like two months on my life in college.

Daniel and I are still do well. He says I love you. It makes me smile. He and Eric have become friends which is good because the awkwardness between them was…well…awkward. But, things have cleared and now we all hang out without the awkwardness. 

Chemistry is kicking my butt once again…I’m not sure how I will fair out in the class but hopefully I’ll get at least a C. I’m failing Calculus which is totally my fault considering I never go to class but I don’t understand my teacher anyway. When I do go to class I’m so lost and I tend to lose focus. Oh well. I just gotta push through and get a high enough grade that when I take my classes next semester it’ll be able to pull my GPA up to at least a 3.0 so I can get my scholarship back. Next semester shouldn’t be too bad. I’m taking all sciences (Anatomy, Microbio, and Chem 2), all of them with a lab, and I’m taking an EMT course. Anatomy. micro and the EMT course should be fairly manageable. I can easily get good grades in those classes if I actually work at it. Chem is probably going to kick my butt again unless I get a decent teacher. We’ll see how that goes.

My mom is still a bitch. We still don’t get along but it’s whatever. I’m getting used to it really. yea sometimes it still hurts but what can you do?

Alex wont talk to me. I haven’t spoken to him since the summer. He wont answer my calls or texts. It really sucks but at this point I just don’t want to care anymore. I’m not sure what I did or if I did anything or whats going on. Part of me feels like this is a game he is playing. Whatever he’s a jerk.

So my "amazing" roommates that I started out with this semester weren’t so great after all. Long story short: they got mad at me for never being in the apartment. I pretty much live at Daniel’s place because it’s on campus and he has all this extra room (its only him and one other person in a person apartment) so yea I live here. I have my own desk and closet and everything. But, apparently, I can’t do that that. I went my to my actual apartment to spend time with my roommates, to clean, to help with stuff that needs to be done because I understand that is where I technically live. They used all of my stuff (my pots, my cleaning supplies, my meds, my cooking ingredients, even Daniel’s cooking stuff) and they still have the audacity to get mad because "I’m never around."

I used to go by every few days, sleep there hang out for a while. Then everyone started giving me the cold shoulder and being bitchy so I said why am I going to stay here where I am not wanted. So it ended up that I would go in the mornings when no one was around and I’d clean, wash all the dishes and do all that. Why couldn’t they just be happy I still did shit at the apartment instead of complaining that I was never there. 

Anyway Dani texts Daniel and tells him that she’d mad because I’m always with Daniel blah blah blah and I’m like…you couldn’t text me? You had to text him? So I go over and try to work things out. I spent the night and we all hang out and stuff except for Lani. Lani goes downstairs to hang out with someone else and doesn’t even sleep in the room she slept on the couch. But, its whatever let her be angry. So I’m like ok I can come by a few times a week to sleep here and hang out (I really would rather sleep with Daniel but whatever.) So anyway I come by the next time during the day to pick up a pair of pants and I realize…theres a cat in the apartment. My allergies start acting up and I have to leave. So I don’t spend the night because I’m really allergic to cats. I tell Dani that and she and are are talking and stuff and she suggests I move out so Lani’s friend Steph can move in and I’m like ok. I told her it doesn’t make sense because I mean since I’m not there they have more room in the apartment and they can use my stuff and we’re still friends and we can hang out whenever but she said she’d rather have a roommate whose there. Tiff, then sends me a text basically accusing me of telling the RA about the cat in the apartment ("you left and PJ (the RA) walked in…you connect the dots" was her legit text message). So I drew the line and declared I will definitely move out because this just isn’t fair. 

Now I live on campus in the same building Daniel lives in and my new roommates don’t care that I’m never there. Its like no one even moved in! So everything worked out really well.

What gets me is that Dani and Tiff (my two former roommates) are engaged and glued at the hip. They never spend anytime apart and sleep together every single night. How can Dani judge ME and tell ME that I spend too much time with Daniel and make ME sleep without him just because she wants me in the room. If Tiff was in Daniel’s situation Dani would live in Tiff’s apartment too. I would just think she would understand you know? But whatever whats done is done

Anyway later I’m going to write another entry talking about a completely different subject matter. ut for now I’m going to try and catch some sort of sleep.



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November 10, 2012

Yay! Glad your back and that college is going well! That is really weird to actually WANT a roommate who is there all the time. I would be happy just to have some time away from everyone if I were them.