Too much for my head

*sigh* I keep thinking too much about everything. About Alex, about Daniel, about the choices I’ve made, about the path my life is about to take. 

I’ve been jumping cliffs these last few months and its becoming very scary. 

I wasn’t happy so I just up and left the guy I loved.

I was happy so I got with another guy soon after.

Fell hard for him and now we’re dating.

Joining the military though it’ll probably kill my family.

Did sucky in school and lost my scholarship.

Everything is just very overwhelming right now.

Then over the weekend (which was a amazing btw I’l write more on that later) V IMd Daniel. I had a chance to see what they talked about but I didn’t I closed his computer and turned away. I trust him. But, still part of me regrets not looking….old habits die so hard. 

What if he still loves her….well I don’t think he’d be with me if he did right?

Why am I feeling so insecure about everything today. 

UGH I just want to sleep why is that so hard

Fucking insecurity


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June 5, 2012

Security takes time. ~ Hugs ~

June 6, 2012

well it feels like u r still in love with alex, and as for daniel how and why did he break up with his X, did he get enough time to get over her??? did u both rebound with each other??