Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays everyone! Its been a while since I last wrote.

Things are going pretty well on my end. I’m home from school for winter break for about a month. Its been pretty nice to just relax and stuff even if I dont want to be home.

Its been a little difficult being home. Ever since Alex called me that day being home just sucks even more so than usual. Its as if we broke up all over again except now I’m the "dumpee" as they say. I can’t be home with out remembering something. I got rid of most of his stuff. Some I still have because…I love them too much to get rid of. My wolf poster, my necklace etc…But still….those thing sometimes hurt. Just looking around my room hurts….I look at the floor in front of my tv and remember the first time I told him I loved him. As I make my parents bed I remember all of the beautiful moments we’ve shared on that bed….the promises we’ve made while making amazing love. The couch where we would watch only the most epic movies on the big screen with surround sound….and the same place where he just held me while I cried. 

I came to the conclusion (Last night) however that he is an always will be an asshole. I mean why should I care about someone who was so mean to me and purposely made me cry on the phone. I’m done hurting. I have enough on my plate without having to bother about someone who doesn’t care about me anymore. 

So I’m done hurting. I’m done being sad while I’m in my room because remnants of him are everywhere. My room is my escape and he will not ruin that. I absolutely refuse to let him. 

In other more happy news. Santa was very good this year and paid me incredibly well. Along with some presents that we also  incredibly nice. 

Daniel and I are still doing very very well. He makes me happy and I’m pretty sure I make him happy too. My family seems to like him a bit more than Alex which is always good lol. I can’t wait to get back to see him in a few weeks. I miss him so much. Summer is going to be pretty brutal without him but I can wait. 
He’s getting so much closer to getting his firefighter certs and stuff. I’m really really proud of him. I’m incredibly proud to call him my boyfriend. 

My grades this semester were pretty good except for the D in chemistry but hey….I get to finally move on the chem 2 with an awesome teacher! This means good things. Next semester should really boost up my GPA but I don’t think I’ll make dean’s list. But thats okay I’m just happy to be doing well in school.

I’m taking my EMT course in the spring so I will officially be an EMT hopefully in the summer. I’m so excited about this course! I will be able to save people soon! This is so exciting! 

lol so I haven’t written much on my sex life recently. No it is not at a standstill. Daniel is a little busy with everything hes been doing (running clubs, work, classes, firefighter training) so hes usually pretty tired or in the middle of something. He does make time for me though so no worries. I understand this is a bust time for him so I’m sort of backing off a bit. 

When it does happen though it is as amazing as ever. I’m always left shaking and satisfied. Usually with a big puddle under me lol. He somehow gets me to squirt every single time and I’m never left unsatisfied. Whats really nice is sometimes when I’m just incredibly horny but he just isn’t in the mood he will stop for a bit and get me off. Just to make me happy. I love how we cuddle afterwards though. One friday afternoon niether of us really had anything to do so we just decided to go at it. Then afterwards we laid back and giggled and cuddled and next thing I know is almost 430 and I still didn’t pick up my package at the mail room (which closes at 445). lol It was cute how we just kind of fell asleep together. 
Hes an amazing lover. Best one I’ve had so far. 

Thelast night before break was also pretty great too. We showered, got into bed, had our sexy fun time, got back in the shower (just to clean off a bit I had massage oil all over my back and felt a little sticky) then cuddled together the entire night. Like I’m pretty sure I woke up and I was still in his arms (its pretty rare for that to happen). It was so sweet. That entire day was really sweet. When we got up we packed the last bits of our stuff and headed over to the firehouse. From there we took the bus to the diner and had lunch….then we rented the car for a few hours and drove around when to target got ice cream…it was really really sweet. I love spending time with him like that. Just us two going out and having fun. 

I want to start reading again. I miss reading a good book every few days and there are so many free books on the NOOK it is incredible. So I do want to read again and maybe do little book reviews on my OD just to get to writing again. Sound good? I think it does what do you guys think?

Anyway I’m off I have to finish cleaning up a little before Daniel gets back on skype. i just wanted to update. I want to try and write a little everyday and get back into that habits but its hard to remember lol. Anyway love you guys leave notes 🙂

(PS to the anonymous private noter who left that semi-cryptic note on my last entry…could you please tell me who you are or where I can contact you? I am dying to know! Please and thanks 😀 )


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