Who are you when I’m not looking?


(Sorry, can’t figure out how to embed this link…)

I heard this song a couple of weeks ago on the local country station and fell in love with it.  I just love the premise of the song.  It is intriguing to think of how someone is when he or she is completely alone, especially if it’s your spouse or significant other.  When I hear this song it reminds me of Travis, sort of as if he was the one singing.  It just seems like something he would wonder about/say/write.

As far as I’m concerned, when I’m all by myself and the “shades are down” I like to indulge.  I love to turn on Norah Jones, pour a glass of wine and make a nice dinner just for me.  I love to immediately change into my pajamas when I get home.  I love to run a bath after dinner, light candles, and read while I drink my wine and smoke cigarettes.  I love to spend some nights in my PJ’s on the couch, munching on snacks instead of eating a real dinner :-). 

Sometimes I have an emotional moment and will cry in bed.  Sometimes I have a goofy moment and sing at the top of my lungs in the shower.  Sometimes I sit and watch bad TV all night.  And sometimes I like to turn everything off except music and just read (I should do that more often).

Anyway,   Back to work for me šŸ™‚



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January 10, 2011

I like who you are, without doubt! šŸ™‚

January 10, 2011

sometimes I want a night that is just mine. almost impossible with a family. and I’d probably miss them anyway.

January 10, 2011

bath with candles sounds amazing right now!