Today is a New Day

So I’m feeling a lot better today than I was yesterday.  Yesterday I was sort of in a fog, all those gremlins (emotions and whatnot) running around in my head.  But it seems that last night I was able to kick all of those gremlins out. 

I decided toward the end of the day that I was going to cook myself dinner, even though I was going to be alone (Trav and I decided on having a night to ourselves).  So I decided on fajitas since I already had tortillas and cheese at the house.   I decided on homemade fajitas instead of the boxed fajita meat so that I would actually have to cook it and I thought that cooking might take my mind of things and help me focus a bit.

So I came home and that’s exactly what I did.  After having an almost-meltdown because I couldn’t figure out why the TV, Satellite box, and fan weren’t working (seems it just took me unplugging things and plugging them back in to make them work though, thank goodness), I set out to make my fajitas.  I cut the chicken into strips about a half inch thick, and made a marinade with beer, fresh lime juice, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, salt, pepper, and fajita seasoning.  While I let that sit, I did some laundry and hung some clothes.  Then I cut up onions, green peppers, and started warming the refried beans, and cooked my worries away.  The chicken came out great and I even got it to not stick too much to the pan.  I cook with stainless steel so sometimes that’s quite a feat lol.

After that I sat down and turned on the TV.  I started watching Hoarders and Intervention but decided that I would be smart and not watch anything emotional or about food (that would just make me eat more lol).  So I settled on “The Lost Pyramid” on the History Channel.  Very interesting, btw. And apparently it worked like a charm.  I was feeling okay and even fell asleep early on the couch.  And voila, this morning I felt loads better.  Not 100% but pretty damn close, and I’ll take it.

Annnnyway.  All that being said, I’m just trying to throw myself into work now.  That seems to help with getting the gremlins out of my head too.

Alrighty. Well this has been a horrendously boring entry but I just figured I’d write something a little more normal than my last couple of entries 😉

Hope everyone is having a good day!



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January 25, 2011

haha not boring at all. food is good!

January 25, 2011

I ALMOST made myself fajitas last night and then changed my mind for some reason and had a gross lean cuisine. Now I am REALLY regretting that choice. 🙂

January 25, 2011

Cooking can be really soothing. And those fajitas sound delicious! I’m glad you’re feeling better.

January 25, 2011

They serious sound awesome, I’m trying to figure out a way to make them into a chili as we speak! 🙂

January 25, 2011

RYN: Thank you.. i am taking your notes in =]

January 25, 2011

RYN: Thank you 🙂

January 25, 2011

Oh lost pyramids? that sounds interesting lol… I’m glad your feeling better today! Try cooking with an extra hot pan when you use stainless steel the hotter the better. And keep it moving 😉 Yes affirmations work well. If you do them 😉 There is a great book. How to heal yourself by Louise L. Hay you may enjoy. It’s all about healing yourself and have an affirmation for just about every ailment and it’s root cause.

January 26, 2011

I’m glad to read you are feeling better. Wouldn’t it be awesome to slash the little gremlins right out of our thoughts…They do cause us all such havoc.