
I found this today.  Write it a few years ago.  Not the best or longest, but wanted to document it.


I’m starving. 
My insides twisting inside and out…
Trying to squeeze out that last bit of nourishment for my soul. 

I look and look for whatever it is that my body is aching for, but find only
I am dying inside. 
The lack of this nourishment has left my soul torn and broken. 
It has left my mind racing.
Wondering what has happened to me. 
But what am I starving for? 
Love? Attention? Happiness? 
What is it that my soul yearns for so greatly that my body literally aches with longing for this mysterious substance? 
I’m not sure what is necessary to feed my soul, but I hope I find it soon or I have the strong feeling that I will die inside.

Maybe I should take that advice and just stop looking.

Maybe then I will discover the answer.

Or maybe I’ll starve to death first. 

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