Smoking the Ganja

Day 2: something that’s illegal but you think it should be legal

This one is pretty easy and will probably be a very short entry :).  I think that marijuana should be legalized.  As one who has done quite a bit in my day (although I don’t do it much these days – I don’t care much for being "fuzzy"), I know first hand the effects from smoking weed.  The physical effects from smoking are essentially none.  It makes people lazy, makes people hungry, and makes people a bit… slow lol.  But other than that, people that are high from smoking marijuana are of pretty much no harm to themselves or anyone else.  People who drink alcohol are much more volatile.  I think that marijuana should be legalized and regulated in a very similar to alcohol.  I don’t think people should drive while high, but if someone wants to smoke a little and chill, there should be no issue with that.  In addition, the government could make a hell of a lot of money off of it if it was regulated…

Anyway, that’s my two cents on that 🙂  Off to watch a movie.  Night!


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January 8, 2011

Amen and hell yeah! I’m a pothead and not afraid to admit it. I’m smart enough to be responsible about when, where and how much I smoke. As long as you do that, there are no negatives and no reason for it to be illegal.

January 8, 2011

proud of the pot!

January 9, 2011

Ah yes, Marijuana. The wondrous herb that was only made illegal to protect the timber industry, NOT because of its effects. I agree that it should definitely be legalized. Thank you for sharing, Living One.

January 19, 2011

As a pot head also I am happy that I now live in a state where it has been medically legalized brings us one step closer…Also I just had an interview with a shipper through hightimes mag that would be a dream job but until I get hired I have to smoke that syntetic greens just for piss test puposes…