
I reeeeally don’t feel like working anymore today.  It’s 4:32 and therefore 2 minutes past beer thirty.  But of course all of us workaholics here in the office aren’t in the “living area” drinking beer.  Instead we’re all still at our desks.  I think everyone else is working.

I, on the other hand, am not.

I’ve done my work for the day.

So last night I entered yuppie-dom and Trav and I got a gym membership together.  We signed up at 24 hour fitness and the one we went to was actually pretty badass.  They have a nice girly weights area with those big exercise balls and medicine balls and lighter weights.  And then in the back corner they have all the dudely weights. 

I like that, but the big downer?  There are no benches in the girly area.  So that means that all of the exercises I do that are done with a bench have to be done in the back corner.  Ah well, what can ya do.

They also have a pool and a hottub.  That’s right.  The next time I work out I’m totally hitting it up afterward.

So yeah, we got the month-to-month membership, works out to $30 a piece which is awesome, and after we got all that done with we decided to do some cardio.  I skipped on the weights because Trav can’t do weights yet with his thumb still healing and by the time we got done with signing up we had been there half an hour.

We did 45 minutes, and I did the Jillian Michaels thing that T and I have been doing with 2 minutes at a run and 5 minutes walking.  And man did I push myself.  But I got 3 miles in and I’m SO proud of myself for that.  I’m going to keep doing that routine and see if I can maybe do longer stretches of running.  Up my distance a bit.  For now I’ll keep doing the same thing until it gets just a little easier.  Then I’ll amp it up a bit.

I noticed that when I worked out with Travis I pushed myself harder.  Not that I was competing because we were doing different things and I don’t think it was a pride thing, but just that it was almost like part of my motivation was right there beside me, if that makes sense.  I’m working out for me, sure, but I’m also working out so I can look good for/with him as well.  Yeah, I’m not making sense.

Annnnnyway 🙂

I can’t wait for tonight.  We’re having a surprise dinner for one of my coworker’s 5 year anniversary with the company.  We’re going to III Forks.  YUM.  And I got the cutest dress at Kohl’s today.  It was a size 16. It sure is nice being back in that size again 🙂

Alrighty.  Time to uh… get back to work?



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February 11, 2011

Gym memberships are pretty cool if you use them. I have one and I haven’t gone in about a year now. i’m really awesome. or just a giant fat lazy whale. *sigh*