Rock Wit U

I really don’t have a whole lot to say.  My weekend was pretty good.  I did the Zumba toning Saturday morning and it was pretty killer – definitely a hard workout.  And I’ll be damned if the instructor wasn’t a tiny little Asian girl who looked like the workout took absolutely nothing out of her lol.

Saturday I stayed home, took a nap, finished up the majority of my schoolwork and passed out around midnight.  Not too eventful.  And Sunday Travis and I just stayed in to watch the Superbowl.  I did make a first attempt at hamburgers though.  I had to pan fry them because I don’t have a grill, but they turned out pretty good.  I diced up jalapenos and put them in the meat, and put pepper jack cheese in two of them.  Just a couple of adjustments needed for next time: 1) smaller, flatter patties (they were way too thick) 2) more pepper jack 3)more seasoning.

But I have to say they turned out to be pretty damn delicious.  And Sunday night was just what I needed – a quiet night at home with my honey.

This week has been fairly busy so far and will continue to be busy.  Monday night Travis and I passed up pool to go see The Mechanic.  And let me tell ya, it was just what I expected.  And therefore, it was awesome.  Lots of blood and fighting and explosions.  Oh, and hottie mchotterson Jason Statham.  Really, the perfect movie.

Last night, after work, I worked out with T.  Today I’m doing happy hour with the girls from work since one of our Dallas folks is in town.  Tomorrow will be a workout again after work, either with T or maybe I’ll head up to 24 hour fitness and start using my 7 day free pass.  Friday after work is a surprise dinner for one of our coworkers and this awesome steakhouse downtown.  Saturday morning will probably be Zumba and then a massage.

So yeah.  Lots going on.  I’m pretty okay with it though.  I think tomorrow night might end up being Zumba at home though and then a night alone.  I would like a nice easy night to myself.  I don’t want to burn myself out doing all this social stuff lol.  It can definitely wear on ya after a while.

Well, that’s all I’ve got.  22 more minutes and it’s time for happy hour.  Woohoo!!!



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February 9, 2011

Zumba is something that looks like a lot of fun. It does look like work though. WaterSprite AKA

February 9, 2011