Quick and Dirty

Love is buying someone gifts for Valentine’s Day that aren’t necessarily mushy but that you know will help enhance his or her life or make his or her life easier.  That’s exactly what Travis did.  He did one mushy gift – bamboo in a vase with rocks and whatnot.  But he also got me a Cowboys shot glass (I love this man), 2 candles to help me relax, a manicure set because he’s always seeing me file my nails and this set will help keep them shiny and healthy and whatnot, and he got me an e-pad from Brookstone.  It’s one of those lap desk things with beanbag type material underneath and a flat part on top to hold your laptop.  It’s awesome.  And it’s red on the bottom and a dark wood color on top.  Which he picked because it will match my apartment decor whenever I move out.

Let’s just say, he did good!

I got him a Zippo from Things Remembered – black and silver to match the ring he always wears (which also matches the tip clip I got him), with his initials engraved in it.  He seemed to like it 🙂

Right…. so I was planning this long entry but it’s almost time to go work out with my honey and then get some sushi for dinner.  Woohoo!

Hope everyone’s week is going well!


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February 18, 2011

Awesome!!! I got candy, flowers, and lunch.

February 21, 2011

Thanks for the note! I have at times felt like school is too much, but I have also felt like I love it and it’s worth it. It just depends on the semester. One thing is for sure, though… I need a break. Your valentines day sounded nice 🙂

February 22, 2011


March 22, 2011

Everyday should be valentines day with the one you love. me and my girl are always leaving little gifts/notes for each other 🙂 but then again we are really soppy!! ~ hehe