No Substance

I love short work weeks.  Don’t get me wrong, I am sure I will be working some over the holiday.  But it’s much more pleasant to work from home in my pj’s drinking my cup o’joe than to actually come into work.

Plus, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year.  It’s all about family, food, football, and there are absolutely no gifts involved.  It’s simply a time to put yourself into a food coma and hang out with your family.  And I’m allllll about that. 

Overall, things are pretty peachy.  This week I don’t feel nearly as overwhelmed as I have lately at work, so that’s always a good thing.  I got to spend the weekend at home with my little brother so my Mom could have some lovey-dovey time with my Dad in San Antonio, and it was much needed.  I will be so glad when I really have my own space in Austin so I can kick everyone out and spend an entire day doing nothing, hanging out with me, myself and I. 

That’s pretty much what I did on Saturday and it was just what the doctor ordered.  I got up early and went to Zumba at 8:00 (I love it btw, and anyone thinking about it should definitely try it).  Then I had a massage at 11:00, and I headed home after that.  I ate some lunch, laid down for a nap, had my little brother drive me to Wing Stop for some wings, watched some TV and went to bed.  I felt a twinge of guilt for a moment but quickly dismissed it and decided a nap was more important than feeling guilty for not doing anything :).

Travis passed his HVAC certification and is now fully certified to work, so he’s going to start looking for a job in that field.  I’m so proud of him.  He really worked his ass off and will soon be reaping the benefits :).  On the relationship front, things are great as usual.  I can’t believe it’s been almost a year that we’ve been together.  It doesn’t feel like that long and at the same time feels like we’ve known each other forever.

Pretty incredible, in my opinion.

Right.  Well.  I feel like the substance was lacking in this entry but I wanted to write something.  Perhaps I’ll be more inspired later.

Hope everyone is doing well!



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November 23, 2010

I’m so thinking about doing zumba! It’ll probably be after the new year, but I hear nothing but good things about it. I’m actually looking forward to Thanksgiving this year. The past few years I’ve been a big grouch, but this year I’m in a good mood and in a good place mentally!

November 23, 2010

I have been meaning to try Zumba, just haven’t gotten a chance yet, but everyone seems to love it so much, I do think that I need to make it a priority. Happy Thanksgiving!

ryn; aw thanks girl! yeah once i met the girl i could tell she wasn’t trying to like take him from me or anything lol i guess it’s just stupid girl jealousy sometimes. but i think it’s good to be a little cautious of girls, you know?