Mushy Brain.

This week overall has been a good one.  I’ve been productive during the day at work, did boot camp, spent time with Travis, and went out last night.  A nice, balanced week :-).  Last night Trav and I went to Plucker’s with our friends and their friends who were in from out of town.  Very cool people, and I had a great time.  The people from out of town were a married couple and their daughter.  The guy is a piercer, idk what the girl does, and the little girl is just cute as pie.  I had an awesome buffalo chicken salad (my two favorite things – salad and boneless wings, mixed!), a beer and a Plucker’s lemonade, and even tried out a fried Oreo (simply divine, let me tell ya).

We all chatted, ate dinner and headed out around 9:00.  Travis said he would treat me to drinks at Applebee’s so we stopped there and talked to one of our favorite bartenders while we drank.  I wasn’t anticipating getting drunk, or even tipsy, but 2 shots of Patron and a big beer later I was a tad bit tipsy.  Not wasted, but just tipsy enough to be talkative and in a good mood.  I love those moments.

We got back to the RV and proceeded to have a nice romp.  And it was amazing, as usual.  I have been one horny little bugger lately and thank goodness Trav’s sex drive is similar to mine or else one of us would be very disappointed lol.  I pulled him into the bedroom immediately the other day when he got to the RV.  Pretty funny, he was taken aback a little because I’m normally a night or morning sex person, but I just had to have it.

Whew.  Anyway.  Let me stop talking about sex before I get myself all worked up.

HOWEVER. Speaking of sex.  We’re taking a romantic little getaway tomorrow.  Just an overnight trip, to the Riverwalk.  I got a hotel room right in the middle of the Riverwalk so it should be fun.  Not sure what we’re going to do while we’re there (during the day – at night I’m sure we’ll be partaking in some adult beverages)… but we’ll figure it out I’m sure. 

Right.  So this entry pretty much stalled out after the first sentence.  Definitely an “I did this, and then I did this, and then we did this” entry.

Ah well.  My brain is mush. Come onnnnnn 5:00!!



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January 21, 2011

sounds like your week has been fun.. and a mini vacation could be the finale. haha. hope its a good one!

January 21, 2011

Thanks for the note R, and yes It is good to be alone with who you are, but I spend way too much time alone. I’m unbalanced. Retired way to young, Now I have nearly no social life. Dinner was fantastic, it was nice to cook. I haven’t in a long time.

January 21, 2011

Have fun!

January 21, 2011

I miss that kind of tipsy!! 🙂 ryn- thank you :):)

January 23, 2011

ryn: rock bottom- it sucks. i mean it is corny, but i know exactly what you’re saying. they only way you can go is up.