Just What I Needed

I keep starting to write an entry during the day and then by the time I get to the end of it, I trash it.  I’ve been a moody one lately – mainly the last week or so.  It started with me taking Zyrtec.  Apparently it gives me ridiculous mood swings.  Which resulted in me at home, by myself (because my Dad and little brother were visiting my Mom), a silly little blubbering mess for about two hours.  It was so odd, and a bit annoying, because it wasn’t warranted.  Nothing happened in my day to make me have an intense two-hour cry fest.  Then, after thinking about it a while, and when I had calmed down a bit, I decided to look up Zyrtec.  And there you go – pages and pages of reviews by people saying that Zyrtec made them moody as hell.

So odd.

Anyway, that was that, and I was fine the next day.  Then Travis and I had a convo about him not texting me when he gets home from work.  I told him it was just the maternal instinct perhaps that I wanted to know if he got home okay.  He totally understood and said he would text me when he got off and when he got home.  Sunday came and went – no text.  Then Tuesday night – no text.  By Wednesday morning I was a bit peeved.  Just because he said he would do something and he didn’t. 

He apologized for not texting and I just got more peeved.  Then the lightbulb went on.  Why stress about this?  He’s not going to remember to text me.  He’s tired when he gets home.  And all asking him to do so will get me is me being upset.  And I don’t want that.  So, I let it go, and told Travis I take back my request – I was just being nitpicky.  And hell, if anything happened to him his Mom would be the first to let me know lol.

So that was that.  Instant mood shift.  Interesting how that can happen. Letting stuff go 🙂

Anyway, we talked more that night and he told me “You’re like a goddess or something.” Lol.  Just because I can let something go and not worry about it.  Travis treats me so well in every way that it would be silly to allow something like that in my life – something that I know would just end up causing me to be upset and in turn him to be upset.  Perhaps that’s a bit of the maturity I think I’ve found in the last couple of years.

That night we went to this little Italian Restaurant.  Not top notch food, but it was good.  Plus it was our 5 month anniversary so it was nice to go do something.  Then we went to the house I’m house-sitting and watched Lost the rest of the night.  I fell asleep cuddled up to him on the couch and eventually went to bed.  I slept so much better that night than I have in weeks. 

A night totally alone with my baby… it was just what I needed 🙂




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