Irritated, but Not.

I was anticipating hanging out with Travis all day yesterday.  He told me on Friday that he was working doubles Sat and Sun, but he was off Monday.  He found out Friday night that he was actually working Monday night, but he didn’t say anything to me.  He thought he’d be able to get someone to trade shifts with him.  Well, Sunday night came and he wasn’t able to get anyone to cover for him.  So he texted me and told me that he had to work.  My emotions were surprisingly calm, considering it’s that time of the month, and I was reeeeally looking forward to spending the day with him.  I suppose I’m just not as emotionally charged with him in my life as I was in the past.  No reason to be, really, things are so easy.

So yeah, I was initially disappointed, but not to a major extent, then I was irritated because why the hell didn’t he just tell me Friday, and that quickly moved on to Ah well, whatever, at least I get to see him, and then I can spend my afternoon napping so it can’t be all that bad, right?

Plus, Trav was very apologetic, and I could tell he felt bad, so I didn’t give him any actual grief over it.  Of course I threw some zingers his way, but all in fun, and he knew that. 

So yeah, I got all prettied up yesterday (unnecessarily for a date at Chili’s I’m sure, but I figured might as well, since I had the time), and we met for lunch.  Had a couple of margaritas and was bad and had a turkey sandwich and fries (I’ve been good all week though – I’ve lost 4 pounds!), and queso.  It was delicious.  It was a great lunch, but way too short.  We sat outside in his truck after lunch to smoke a cigarette and made out for a bit.  I know, how very high school of us lol.  It was fun though, and an incredible tease as well, damnit.  Ah well, what can you do.

After that I went home and took a nap… not as long as I would have liked to, as it was hot as balls in my room but I guess that’s what I get for living in Texas. 🙂

Then the rest of the day, I didn’t get a single text or call from him.  Again, irritated, but not super irritated.  Just sort of made me restless I guess.  None of this is anything to make a fuss over.  It’s just funny that stuff like this used to really irk me and now I can let it slide so much more easily.  It still gets to me a bit.  Baggage and all that mess, but it’s not as severe.  Don’t get me wrong, I expect to be told next time something like yesterday happens.  And I really would like to get a text now and then when he gets home.  Especially on a night like last night.  But no reason to stress.  Guess he brings out the laid-back side of me.  Funny, since he can be a bit high-strung at times. 🙂

Okay, it’s time to go home…



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ryn: black lab. his name is chewy.