I’ll never smile again

It’s exceptionally quiet in the office today.  I’m not sure why it seems that way.  There aren’t any less people than there normally are here.  Perhaps because the A/C isn’t running?  Perhaps because it’s foggy outside and the fog soaks up the noise?

I’m going with the fog theory.  I actually quite love mornings like this.  My favorite though, is having a morning like this on a Sunday.  A day when I get up early, sit outside on the porch (or used to when I had a porch), drink my coffee, listen to the birds chirp.  Yum 🙂

I was planning on getting some work done last night but it never happened.  I got my laptop out, decided to make a little dinner, and ordered Sex and the City 2 on pay per view and that was it.  I loved Sex and the City when it was on HBO.  I have the boxed set.  I have the first Sex and the City movie.  This next one looked a bit cheesy, but it’s one of those things where I knew even if it was I would love it, because I love those characters.

And I was right.  It was totally cheesy, and had a pretty horrible story line.  But I still loved it, just because it was Sex and the City and there’s no way I could be disappointed with it.  One of my guilty pleasures I suppose.  Made me want to pull out seasons 1-6 and watch them all over again.  I just may do that this weekend. 

Speaking of this weekend, I’m going to be at home all day and night Saturday.  With the fam of course, but nowhere to go, no plans, no nothing.  Maybe some work work and maybe some homework, but that’s about it.  Travis will be doing the same, from his house.  We don’t need a break from each other, but we both need a break in general.  One day to do nothing.  I know Travis needs it.  He’s been going non-stop all week. 

Let’s see… what else… nothing too exciting happening in my life these days.  Just working and schooling and whatnot.  Yep.  Not sure why I wrote this entry really…

Ah well, what can you do.  Maybe I’ll be inspired later 🙂




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November 11, 2010

I have never seen sex and the city.

November 11, 2010

RYN: I know intensity fades. It already has. I’m not so “lovestruck” I think i still am a little, but I don’t know if that part of it will fade. I’ve been in quite a few relationships and I can’t help but analyze every little thing… but this feels right. Comfortable. Like a missing piece. I don’t know how else to explain it. I was like high strung until I saw him… then after the first night

November 11, 2010

(cont) everything seemed to fall into place. We just seem to fit perfect together… our thoughts and everything. It is hard to explain. Besides saying being with him makes me feel whole, complete.

November 16, 2010

ryn: I work for City Govt, in a cube, like a poor sad cube mouse. ha. On paper I supervise a call center and do other personnel related duties, but it equals about half a days worth of work most of the time, leaving me to fill the moments with insanity. 😀

I’m not big on sex and the city either, but I’m a guy so I get a pass! Thanks for the message, what you said makes sense. I guess it’s really hard to distinguish girls from women these days. Maybe it’ll be just as hard to find a woman, as it is for a woman to find a nice guy. Anyway, thanks again