If I could change the world

Day 5: Something you would change about the world
Day 6: Something you would like to change about yourself

Figured I would lump these together.  First, the world, and perhaps this is something that is more in regard to the US (I’m not sure how it is in other countries), but I would like people to take more personal responsibility.  I find that in this day and age, people are very quick to blame something else for problems that are happening. 

Example, blaming the media or teachers for misguided children.  I think that’s a bunch of bullshit.  One duty as a parent is to guide your child so that he or she becomes an adult who can adapt to certain situations, do what’s right, and become a responsible human being all together.  This is what my parents did with me.  Sure, I did things wrong and I went down the wrong path a couple of times.  But overall, I have always been a good person, and have found my way back to the right path every time.  I take responsibility for my actions and know that I may not be able to control the world but I can control my reaction to it, and that’s what I do. 

In regard to something I would change about myself, this one is REALLY difficult because I’m so damn awesome. LOL.  Juuuust kidding :-).  I think I would take away some of my nerves and self-consciousness.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m confident in myself, and I’m great in a social situation.  But there are times when I find myself not able to let loose as much as I would like.  The most immediate situation that comes to mind is karaoke.  I LOVE to sing.  And I have a pretty damn good voice.  But when I sing karaoke, even at the neighborhood Applebee’s where everyone is pretty mediocre, I get nerves like crazy.  The feeling I get when I sing karaoke is the same feeling I get in certain situations with new people, etc.  Unless there is alcohol involved.  That helps calm my nerves a bit lol.

I know I mention Travis in almost every entry (I know, BARF right? Lol) but I think one reason I enjoy our relationship so much is that when I’m around him, much like when I’m around my family, I can be a total goofball.  I am absolutely comfortable around him, and I’ve never experienced a relationship before where I can really let my hair down and not fear judgment in the slightest.  I can act like a little kid (which he thinks is freaking adorable lol), I can be messy, I can be lazy, I can be bat shit crazy… it doesn’t matter.  It’s nice.  Takes a lot of stress off of my shoulders and just makes things more fun 🙂

Well, that’s all for now.  Guess I better finish up some work 🙂



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January 13, 2011

Thanks for stopping by my diary….I think the men who you can be yourself around 100% are the best…It makes it seem so much more REAL good luck with this

January 13, 2011

Loved this entry. 1. I totally agree about personal responsibility. It drives me mad when there is constant exscuses for doing bad things “oh it was the video games!” or whatever. bullcrappity. if you ask me. 2. You can dooo it! I haven’t sang publicly for a while, but I love to sing too! 3. I think it’s awesome that you love to talk about your man like that. Keep it up! mush ahoy!