It has been a looooong two weeks.  Last Monday afternoon I flew to Houston.  Had a go-live with a customer on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Flew to San Antonio Wednesday night and helped conduct a training on Thursday and Friday.  Drove back to Austin Friday night.

Saturday was wonderful – lots of sex, lunch with Travis, relaxing…

Sunday night I was supposed to fly out to Atlanta.  I hit traffic and made it to the ticket counter 2 minutes after the cut off for checking bags.


Had to reschedule for Monday morning at 6am.  So I went home, slept for a few hours, woke up at 3am and flew to Atlanta.  Got there around 10am, got to the hotel and handled some work stuff before we met with a customer Monday afternoon, then met with them again Tuesday morning and flew out here to Charlotte yesterday afternoon.

And now, I’m here at the hotel, my last night of travelling for a little while, thank goodness.  I do like to travel but having this much travel in a couple of weeks makes my days start to mush together.  I’ll be happy to get home and get back to normal tomorrow.

Anyway, just taking a break for a minute before getting some more work done and getting to bed.  Hope all is well out there in OD-land.


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March 28, 2012

ryn: Thank you 🙂