I’m glad I went

So all day yesterday I did not feel like working out.  I told T I would stop by after work and thank goodness it was with her because I would not have gone through with working out if it was just me by myself.  It definitely helps to have a workout buddy :-).

I got to her apartment around 5:15 and we headed to her apartment gym.  We did the same sort of routine as last time – about thirty minutes of weights, then 45 minutes on the treadmill at intervals (high incline, slow speed for 5 minutes, then low incline high speed for 2 minutes).  And I did great!  The last time we got on the treadmills I jogged for about 1 minute and then walked the rest of time, alternating fast and slow walking.  But this time I regulated my speed and was able to jog the entire 2 minutes when we were at higher speeds.

I’m very proud of myself :-).  And I’m glad that I went.  I definitely needed it.  It got any remaining gremlins out of my head and I slept so well last night.

I think T needed it too.  As we were working out she told me that she and her boyfriend have pretty much decided to call it quits.  It’s a mutual decision, which sometimes makes it harder (no one to be angry at), and it’s been coming for a while.  They were about to call it quits a couple of months back and decided to try to make it work but it just didn’t work out.  She’s bored with him, essentially, and they just don’t have fun together.

He’s a good guy, decent job, good Dad, but they just don’t have that “spark” for lack of a better word.  And I don’t just mean the honeymoon period is over, but that they don’t engage each other.  It’s tough for her, I know, not only emotionally but financially.  They live together and he would be moving out.  But she can’t afford the apartment payments by herself.  So she’ll have to find somewhere new to stay.  She’ll work it out, I’m sure but it’s still rough.

Good thing is, she’s in a good place right now.  She’s not going out and getting wasted all the time like we used to, she’s working out, she’s balancing her time out and at home.  So all in all, if there is a “good state” to be in when breaking up with someone, she’s in it. And I’m thankful for that – I wouldn’t want to see her go through a breakup like her last one. 

Well, that’s enough for now.  Better get back to work!



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January 26, 2011

I need a work out buddy desperately! I need to start working out !

January 26, 2011

Its great to have a friend to workout with because they can get you to workout even when you don’t want to!

January 26, 2011

Good job!

January 26, 2011

really nice asics or saucony. I love the sauconys because they feel perfect from day one and last forever. I have to break in the asics and my feet hurt the first week in them, but once they are broke in they are nice.

January 26, 2011

RYN: I think I go back and forth about 3 pounds. I usually only weigh myself in the morning but since I have an actual scale as opposed to my Wii Fit, I’ve been doing it more frequently. This is going to have to stop. LOL!

January 27, 2011

Thank you for your note. Asheville is a great place to live. Glad to hear you survived our december snow – we usually don’t get snow that early.

January 27, 2011
January 28, 2011
January 29, 2011

ryn… i know i’v asked for it i’m going through all this because of my own choice but i really cant help it i cant stay away from him…. if i don listen to his voice for a day it drives me crazy…. dont know wat to do i’m addicted to him i love him a lot dont kno how to live without him…

January 30, 2011

ryn.. manipulative???? hows dat i try to be all that for him what am i feelin short at…. i dont get it wat elz can i do????

January 30, 2011

RYN: Thanks!

February 3, 2011

I need to work-out badly…Witchangel AKA WaterSprite

I just wanted to tell you that I completely agree with the notes you left on my intervention’s entry. Unfortunately, I was/am in that type of relationship. No one has and will be able to get through to me. I just have to make the mistakes & learn on my own, just like she does. You’re right, explaining it to her does no good because she can’t see it the way you do. She obviously has some emotional

issues that need to be worked out before she’ll realize how unhealthy this is. I don’t know her personally or anything, but I try to keep things positive because the more people tell her to leave him, the more she’ll cling. So yea, just wanted to drop by and tell you that. :]