How It Happened

It was just another family gathering.  I waited at my apartment after work and Travis came and picked me up.  He told me twice before we left that he loved me so much, and I thought nothing of it.  I knew he would be getting the ring from his Grandma that night since she just got back in town and thought he was being sentimental.

We got to PF Changs and Travis’ parents and Grandma were there already.  We said our “hello’s” and gave hugs around the table and sat down.  We all chatted and when we started looking at our menus Travis’ dad came around to his side of the table (we were in a corner booth) and showed him the menu.  He said “You should try one of these, son.  The ones with the little symbol beside them are the hot ones.  Like this one.”  Then laughing as he went back to his side of the table he said “I just wanna see ya sweat!” and proceeded to tell a story about Travis going to a Thai restaurant and eating some incredibly hot dish. 

I found out later that when his Dad came around to Travis, he was passing him the ring. 🙂  I also found out later that Travis had talked to his Grandma that day and left several messages going back and forth between whether he was going to propose that night or wait for another night.  And Trav’s Grandma told the whole story to his parents before we got there.

So everyone was in on it (except me, of course).

Midway through our appetizers, Travis said “Come here.” And I knew what he was doing.  But I couldn’t really believe it until I got to the end of the booth and he got down on one knee in front of me. 

At that point, for both me and him (we talked about it later), it really was like the movies where everything else got cloudy except for each other.  I could hear what was going on in the background, and got a sense that people were probably watching but I couldn’t take my eyes off of him.

Before he said anything, I laughed and said “I didn’t think you were going to do this tonight! And I have a mouth full of food!” and put my hand over my mouth.

He took a second to let me finish chewing lol and then he said something like (I can’t remember all of it to be honest – it’s a bit fuzzy) “Being with you for the last two years has been like being with my best friend every day.  You’re my best friend, my motivator, and I love you with all of my heart.  And I want you to be my best friend for the rest of my life.  Will you marry me?”

And of course I threw my arms around his neck, said yes, and kissed him probably 3 or 4 times 🙂

That’s when we sort of snapped back to reality and heard people clapping.  Since we were in the corner, not too many people saw but there was this one cute older couple that was in a booth across from us and Trav’s Grandma said that as soon as Travis got down on one knee the husband started hitting his wife’s arm saying “Look! Look!” lol.  Very cute.

So of course, then a round of hugs again from everyone and the awesome waiter brought out two glasses of complimentary champagne a couple of minutes later.

It was absolutely perfect :).

As far as the ring, you all left such wonderful comments and you’re right – it’s a freaking boulder.  But more than that, the engagement ring I received belonged to Trav’s Grandma and she also handed down her late husband’s wedding band.

Travis’ Grandma and Grandpa were married for 50 years.  Shortly after their 50th anniversary this year, his Grandpa passed away.<span

style=”mso-spacerun: yes”>  Although there were ups and down, Trav’s Grandma and Grandpa shared 50 years of love.  They were in love from the beginning to the end, and they worked through any issues and made their marriage last.  There’s an incredible amount of love in those rings, and we’re so lucky to have them :).


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December 15, 2011

That sounds so beautiful. I’m so so so SO happy for you!

December 22, 2011

Congrats!!! That’s a great story!!

How cute 🙂