Hot Room = Bad Dreams

Funny, I read an article just yesterday called something like “30 ways to sleep more soundly” or something, and one of the items said that the ideal temperature to sleep in is around 65 degrees.  It said that sleeping in a very warm environment can actually provoke nightmares.  I found that interesting, but didn’t think much of it until I woke up around 1:00 this morning out of a really bad dream.  And oddly enough, the door from the kitchen to the bedroom was closed making it extremely warm in the room.  May have been a coincidence but I thought it was interesting.

I don’t wake up from dreams very often, but I sure woke myself out of one last night.  I dreamt that I was in some sort of random place hanging out with my ex fiancée.  We had already broken up in the dream, and I don’t remember much about that part of it but we were civil for the most part.  There were other people there and I think we were all eating dinner or something.

In any case, we then walked down to this big hill.  But between the dinner and the hill, Jesse had turned into Travis. This hill had a fast-flowing stream toward the bottom, and all of a sudden this rocking chair starts falling down the hill and goes into the river.  The rocking chair was my Dad’s.  We use it at Chistmas as the chair the gift-opener sits in (we open gifts one by one), and it was something my Mom gave to him a couple of years after they got married, so almost 30 years ago.  This is something that is dear to my heart and something that has always been in our family.

So as it falls into the river I turn to Travis and ask him to go get it for me.  He’s tall and strong and can save it, but I’m not strong enough.  And he looks at me like I’m completely overreacting.  He asks me what’s the big deal?  It’s just a rocking chair and I’m sure we’ll find it later on sometime.  I start frantically telling him “No, that’s my Dad’s rocking chair!  We might lose it forever – you have to save it!!”

At this point in my dream I’m furious and sad all at the same time, screaming at him, begging him to “Please!  Please save it!”  That’s when I guess I was moving around so I woke up from the dream.


Fortunately Travis was still up and wasn’t wasted (he was drinking bourbon and reading when I went to bed lol) so I got to talk through it with him.  That’s always nice.

Overall, I thought it was a very poignant dream.  My ex turned into Travis in the dream, so that was me projecting my ex onto my current boyfriend.  (Apparently my subconscious is an insecure asshole lol)

And the rocking chair signified my family somehow.  Trav thought maybe it was the stability I associated with my father and how maybe that’s my inner-fear of Travis not finding that stability that I need in a boyfriend/husband.  Pretty intuitive of Travis to interpret it that way.

Anyway, enough writing for now… maybe I’ll write more about that later.

In any case, I got to snuggle up with Travis after the bad dream and have his arm around me when I fell back to sleep, so I slept soundly the remainder of the night 🙂



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January 14, 2011

The hill is your history. the significance is walking down or away from it (Your ex) The River means you are unsettled about something. Christmas is a new start. The Chair represents opportunities. Your new bf turning into your ex means that you are seeing the same things and reacting the same. Your yelling is representaiton that you fell ignored or overlooked… More to come brb.

January 14, 2011

Snuggles are the best! I hate dreams in general, I wake up and overthink and they just annoy me, good, bad, neutral. I am glad I don’t dream too often that I recall. And, dear lady, I hope that YOU have a great day and weekend!

January 14, 2011

To translate I would say that you are worried that because you have overcome so many things in the past you are worried that your emotions aren’t being accepted as well as you think they could. & While you know Travis isnt your ex you are worried that a possible lack of commitment may have you fighting for a future with him alone. You may want more but you are afraid of how he will react.

January 14, 2011

And the completion of the dream is the reality that when you woke up you went to him. That shows that while your dream is a subconcious effort to make sure you’re protecting yourself you feel that at the moment it is all worth what you are putting into it. Just remember dreams do no define us but they can be a guideline to keep us from being hurt. Be as happy as you can and hold onto your heart 🙂

January 14, 2011


January 14, 2011

ryn: I love pepper jack. mmmlicious! the flatbread is sorta interesting.I guess they have to toast it, but it tastes pretty good.

January 14, 2011

ryn: Thanks! I’m so excited we found a place, in our price range, that didn’t have carpet! 🙂

January 14, 2011

ryn: thanks 🙂 I am getting better at communication… I appreciate all your notes

January 14, 2011

thank you so much for your note! YOu have no idea how much it means to hear encouraging and genuine things like that. I don’t hear it enough. We can never hear it enough. Thank you. <3