Happy New Year

 Just got back home from San Antonio with Travis and I’m so glad we went down there for new year’s eve – it was a blast.  We went down to SA around 4 yesterday and decided that we wanted to go to the Ripley’s museum before we went out.  We were in a prime spot downtown so we were able to walk everywhere and the Ripleys museum was close by so we headed out and spent two hours going through their wax museum, museum of oddities and their new 4D adventure ride.  So much fun.

Then we went back to the hotel, I got prettied up and we headed out.  We ended up going to this sports bar that we have been to a couple of times before and love.  It’s low key, the people are chill and there are tables out on the sidewalk.  We stayed there for a bit, then headed down to Houston Street, which we found to be a bit snooty but found a great little Mexican restaurant and bar, had some apps and a couple of beers and headed out. We walked around forever but ended up back at the sports bar.

So while we were there we met a couple who kept coming out to smoke.  We struck up a conversation somehow and before we knew it they had pulled up a couple of chairs to our table and we were all having a great time.  Typically Travis and I are not chatters but this couple was super friendly and interesting, and just genuinely nice.  All of a sudden it was last call and they invited us over to their place for a nightcap.  We accepted their invitation, walked to their apartment, had a couple of drinks and around 4 headed back to the hotel.  It was a long night, but turned out to be so much fun.

Anyway, I know this was pretty much just a play-by-play but the point is, we had fun and I couldn’t think of a better guy to spend my NYE with.  Time for bed, I have a long day of lounging ahead of me tomorrow.

Here’s to a great 2012 🙂 Happy New Year everyone!

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January 1, 2012

HAPPY NEW YEAR..Glad you had a great weekend. btw, it’s good to see a female who doesn’t bash her boyfriend. I see that too often. It sounds as though you are perfect for eachother.

January 2, 2012

I definitely miss going to bars and making friends like that! Sounds like a great time!

January 4, 2012

ryn: No! Not a dumb question at all! Do not cook the rice. 🙂 It will cook in the bellpepper/sauce stuff. Just make sure you cover the dish… so the steam stays in… so the rice cooks!

January 4, 2012
