Happy Hour and a Few Tears

So far, 2011 has been quite enjoyable.  Travis and I had a wonderful talk on New Year’s Eve regarding the “weirdness” in our relationship recently and got a lot of things out in the open.  Part of it was anxiety on my part due to me bringing baggage into the relationship.  I have experienced so much disappointment in previous relationships in regard to jobs and me having to support who I was dating that it’s difficult not to pull that into this relationship.  Part of it was also anxiety on my part in regard to my job and my desire to be successful.  And part of it was just the fact that we had spent so much time together in those two weeks and I was sick and we were being boring and it was just feeling stagnant.  Travis even said that our sex (although great) felt like we were just “going through the motions” and I couldn’t have agreed more.

Travis also had some anxiety with work and moving out and finding a job and not forgetting everything he learned while going through HVAC School.  I know it’s incredibly scary to embark on a new career path and I hope to just be supportive and helpful and not make him feel bad or anything about not finding an HVAC job yet.  That being said, I don’t want to lose sight of the fact that he has to be making the effort to get that new job (which he absolutely is doing right now).  He apologized for not finding a job yet and expressed some of his worries that night and I’m so glad he did.  One of the great things about our relationship is that we can talk about things like that and then it can all get back to normal.

So. Sunday was wonderful.  I drove up to the RV and Travis met me there.  And we proceeded to have an amazing, passionate, back-to-normal romp :-).  Then we had lunch at TGI Friday’s and took a trip to Border’s.  We both got several books with our gift cards, went to Starbucks afterward and headed back to the RV.  After that we hooked up the Wii and played Donkey Kong before I made tacos for dinner.  It was a great Sunday.  We were back to being “us,” relaxed, laughing, cuddly and flirty.  It was just what we needed.

And then there’s last night.  A couple of our employees from Dallas were in the office this week so we decided to have a ladies’ happy hour after work yesterday.  It was me and 4 coworkers, 1 of which told me when we got there that she and her husband separated last month.  He moved out mid-December.  They had been together 17 years and had 3 kids and her husband just didn’t want the responsibility.  It really made me sad for her and for the kids.  I could just feel the hurt when she talked about it, even though she was being pretty stoic about the whole situation.

Another one of my coworkers got dumped right after Christmas, and another one is in a sort of rocky relationship that personally I don’t think will work out. 

So we spent a couple of hours throwing back drinks and talking about everything.  It was actually quite nice.  We’ve never all been out together (just the girls) so it was fun.  But it made me really sad that all of these amazing women didn’t have what they wanted in a relationship.  And apparently, that sort of thing makes tipsy R cry lol.  I drove back to the RV and on the way was calling Travis.  I told him I was going to be out of there at 7 but I didn’t get out of there until after 8, and I guess I was worried that he had fallen asleep because he wasn’t answering his phone so I drove past his house and drove past Applebee’s to see if he was at either place and didn’t see him.  I got to the RV and he was in his car reading, waiting for me.

He had forgotten his phone.   So yeah.  He went home this morning to two voicemails and 10 missed calls lol. 

So I guess a few minutes after being there I started to cry.  It wasn’t a totally drunk cry in that 1) I wasn’t totally drunk and 2) I had a reason for crying.<span style="mso-sp

acerun: yes”>  I was just so sad for my coworker.  She’s such a great person and I can’t say I didn’t wonder about her and her husband because I can see the immaturity in him but I thought it just worked with them and apparently, it stopped working.  It just makes me sad for her.  And for their kids.

And that’s what I cried about for an hour lol.  Good grief.  Travis and I talked this morning though and he told me he didn’t mind it at all.  That at least I had a reason to cry and he understood why I was so sad.  Also that he doesn’t mind when I cry like that because it gives him the opportunity to comfort me and I’m not typically one to need comforting.  He said it makes me more “human” to him.

Anyway, it really does make me sad for her but I know she’ll work through it and that she’s better off now.  And hopefully the children will work through it as well. 

It definitely makes me appreciate what I have even more than I already did.  I have a man who loves me, who is mature, and who would never ever get tired of the responsibility of being a father.  I am in a healthy relationship with a healthy give and take.  I am in love, and Travis is in love.  And Travis treats me like a princess.  I couldn’t ask for anything more and I can’t wait to see where this year takes us.  Hopefully not to many more drunken crying nights 😉

I’m happy, and in a good place, and not feeling weird anymore like I was toward the end of last month.  So here’s to continuing on with a year that’s even better than 2010 was (and it was pretty great).



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January 5, 2011

This is so awesome!!! I’m so glad you have that communication. It’s like what Baboo and I have, and I must agree that being able to talk it out and get back to normal (or better than normal) is a definite plus. I’m sad for people going through situations like that too. It just aches because we probably both know how it feels, and we can’t do anything to really help. I hope you keep feeling great! *huggzz*

January 5, 2011

aww this entry made me smile. i cry for other people too. it just hurts to see that happen to.. i envy you id love to be in the position you are in. =] congratsss!

January 5, 2011

RYN: ive already added you to mine and thank you! i enjoy reading your entries. he is a fix.. and i can’t control when i see him because i leave it up to him with his busy life. and the way our time apart and together is what keeps us missing eachother.. its definately a surprise everytime i hear his voice all over again. it feels impossible to let go. but for my sanity i have to figure out how

January 6, 2011

Thank you for the note, I really appreciate it! I’ve been drinking a lot more water then usual, tea too. I’ll follow your advice and limit the sugar and white foods, good idea! Thanks! Reg. your entry — don’t you love when things put your relationship into perspective?! The fact that it’s made you see what a wonderful relationship you have is even better!! =)

January 7, 2011

What you and Travis have sounds like an undying love. I know that feeling. It is good to reflect on what you have, rather than what you don’t have… it helps ease the pains that the living world throws at you. I, too, feel sorrow for your coworker, that the responsibility of a family is thrust soley upon her. Being a stepfather, the situation saddens me. Well, drink and be merry. Happy new year.

January 8, 2011

awwww you just made my heart melt ! :o) it makes me happy to read stuff like that. you go girl! im smiling lol.