
Last night was exactly what I needed.  Trav and I went to an Italian restaurant for dinner and I think 5 minutes in he said “You’re definitely in Friday mode aren’t you?”  or something to that effect. 

I was being goofy, and typically during the week it takes me a good couple of hours before my mind slows down and I can relax.  Yesterday it was immediate when I got off of work.­ We went to one of those restaurants where there is paper on the table and crayons.  Sort of like the Macaroni Grill.  So of course I had to start drawing.  I started with a flower.  And then a butterfly.  And then a really big sun.  With sunglasses.  And then smoke coming off the flower because obviously the sun was setting it on fire.


Anyway, I had another serving of tomato bisque, this time with some sort of lobster or something in it, and a delicious pizza bread thing… sort of like a calzone.  Way too many calories and way too many carbs but I’m okay with that.  It was ahhhmazing.

We went back to the house and watched So You Think You Can Dance with his parents.  Yeah.  They sucked me into that freaking show.  Fockers.  Trav loves throwing out when a girl is hot though – damn boys. Lol. 

Soooo. Yeah.  I’m really not being interesting today at all.

I’m having trouble with forming complete sentences so let’s try bullet points:

  • I’m so ready for the week to be done with.
  • My girlfriend had her first baby last night :).  He’s so freaking adorable.
  • I’m contemplating drinking a 5-hour energy.  I’m not super sleepy but I wouldn’t mind a happy afternoon caffeine buzz right now.
  • I’m getting my hair done tonight – woohoo! My hair is dark with blonde-ish highlights and she’s going to lighten it all over and touch up the highlights so… yeah.  That made loads of sense.
  • I have a shitload of work to do, and have steadily been doing it but I’d really rather be napping right now.
  • IS IT FRIDAY YET??!?!??
  • No hotel room tomorrow night.  I decided to, for once, be sensible and not impulsive.  That saved me $70.  Go me.
  • Trav is going on a tour at that HVAC school next week.  I’m sooo excited for him.  I could tell he was really happy about moving things forward.  I know he’ll do great there.  (grammar??)
  • When I write entries, I write them in Word first.  And the font that I type in is crucial to my writing that day.  I can’t type in Arial or Times.  It has to be something like Bookman Old Style or right now, Footlight.  I don’t know why.  It’s weird.  I just have to use a f

ont that’s not too handwriting-ey and not too computer-ey.  Yeah, those are technical terms.

  • Also, I like the way my keyboard sounds when I type.  The new keyboard.  The keys aren’t as clickey.  Yep, another technical term for ya.
  • Alrighty.  Perhaps I should get some work done?

    Later! 🙂



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    August 5, 2010

    Ryn: Lurkers are always welcome.

    August 6, 2010

    Ryn: I wouldn’t say intuitive. Just not as stupid as the rest.