Grande Non-fat Latte Please

I have to say that for a Monday, today wasn’t too bad.  Of course, work is completely overwhelming as usual, but I managed to get a few things done.  Perhaps it helped that I’ve been working from home tonight as well, but ah well, what can ya do.

On a side note, I’ve been watching “The Hills” for the past 2 days.

*Waits for anyone who is actually still reading me to promptly unfriend me*

It’s a guilty pleasure.  Shut your face.

Other than that, Travis was a total sweetheart and brought me a latte from Starbucks this afternoon.  Right when I needed it, too.  He started work today too, for the temp agency.  He starts a new job (crossing finger) on June 1st, but in the meantime he’s working a moving job for a big company here.  Came just in the nick of time too, since his unemployment just ran out.

Annnnnyway.  What else.  Oh, Trav and I go to the counselor tomorrow to start some pre-marital what-the-fuck-are-my-expectations-and-his counseling :).  I’m actually looking forward to it.  We’ve both been seeing this counselor on our own so he knows us both well and I think that will help a lot.  He’s awesome and I think he’ll help us both sort our thoughts out.

That being said, I have no doubt in my mind that I will marry Travis and spend the rest of my life with him.  Thinking about a future without him is like trying to imagine a morning without a sunrise.  It’s just not possible.  I just want to make sure we’re both in a good emotional place before entering into this life-long commitment.  And I know we’ll get there.  I have faith (which isn’t something that comes naturally to me).  So here’s to a good session tomorrow and to one without tears. I swear, my counselor is a good one for making me cry out of nowhere lol.

Hope all is well in OD-land.



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May 22, 2012

I <3 The Hills…and am bummed there aren’t any new episodes.

May 23, 2012

Counseling Does hellp. My Psychiatrist helped me to get strong enough to leave my husband. I owe the former my life!

January 31, 2013

Hey. Even if you watch the hills you can still update, ill still love you 😉 be well!!!