Good Weekend

I’ve had a pretty wonderful weekend.  Friday night Trav and I were planning on working out.  I didn’t feel like it.  So he took me out to dinner instead.  His unemployment finally came through and I’ve been footing the bill for quite a bit so he wanted to treat me.  We ate entirely too much – spinach and artichoke dip, salad, bacon and white cheddar topped filet mignon cooked to a perfect medium temperature with green beans, and then bananas foster cheesecake…

My mouth is watering just thinking about it now lol.

We went to Barnes and Noble, got coffee, then went home and did what two fatties do… we watched the food network for 3 hours lol.  It was hilarious, and awesome.  We read for a good couple of hours, and finally headed to bed.

Saturday morning we made up for our gluttony by going to the gym.  Just did cardio, but I managed about 2.5 miles and about 380 calories burned so not too bad overall.  Then my Mom and brother came up and took us and my Dad to lunch.  After that we went back to Trav’s apartment, got into our pajamas and relaxed for a bit.  We read for a good few hours (yes, we’re total dorks lol), then went and got pizza at a local pizza place, then to another Barnes and Noble because Trav didn’t find what he was looking for at the first one.  Headed home after that and read some more before bed.

Oh, and the best part of Saturday – the wonderful mid-afternoon romp :).  He really knows how to take care of me, if you know what I mean ;).

Today I came home around 10, did homework for a bit, made pancakes for dinner, and am now watching Fracture.

I love Ryan Gosling. ::swoon::

Anyway, a bit of a boring entry, but not much to report on this weekend.  I really love weekends like these though – just some running around here and there, pizza, book stores, afternoon sex, reading, movies.  Definitely my cup of tea :).


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February 20, 2012

Because it’s like, the BEST EVAR! I think more ppl should do it. I may make it a big deal to pressure my friends into either admitting they do it or try it. ;d

February 21, 2012


February 24, 2012

omg spinach and artichoke dip sounds soooo good