Day Dreaming

Day 4: How you think your life would change if you achieved your dream.

I struggle with this one because I don’t have “a dream” per se.  I suppose I’m a bit old fashioned when it comes to this.  I suppose my dream is simply to get married and have a healthy, happy family.  Right now, I see myself getting engaged to Travis sometime this year, us getting married after a short engagement, moving in together, and enjoying our marriage for the next few years.  We both love to travel and experience new things, so I see our first few years of marriage as us travelling to different places, enjoying each other, and sharing new experiences. 

Then eventually, we would start a family.  I would love to be a stay at home Mom, working from home somehow, perhaps even still at my current company.  I dream that one day I will have a family to wake up to on a bright Sunday morning, make pancakes in our pajamas, lay around and watch football or take a trip to the park.  And I don’t doubt that I will eventually have that.  I’m in no rush to get there – I’m fully enjoying my time now (although I do admit I’m SO ready to settle down with Travis… I just love him so damn much I want to burst), and I have to say I’m so fortunate to be able to enjoy my twenties with such a great lover/best friend/boyfriend in my life.

I don’t know, I’m rambling, but that’s my two cents on that.  I just want to be a wife, a mother, a friend, a home maker.  Really, my dream is to just be happy and enjoy what I have 🙂

Work is calling!!



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January 12, 2011

I think that is a fantastic dream to have, and very achievable. I’m so happy to read about your love and happiness! It’s inspiring and I wish more people had it!

January 12, 2011

Nice attainable beautiful plans

January 12, 2011

I am envious of your emotions, and am enthralled in your stories. Love is sacred, so cherish it.