Check, Check, Check

It’s almost midnight and I’m finally getting to some work I was meaning to get done this weekend.  I definitely had a busy one.

Friday night I was at home.  I was so fucking exhausted I just wanted to sleep and sleep and sleep.  I don’t think I got more than 4 hours of sleep each night last week and my body finally said "I’m done."  I ate dinner and fell asleep around 10:30.  Woke up at 9:00.  I needed that.  Got a massage, came home to pack a bit and then loaded up my parent’s couch.

The reason I had to load up the couch is that… *drumroll*… Trav moved into his own apartment!  Woohoo!  This has been a long time coming, and I am very excited for him, and for us.  We’ve both been living with our folks since we met.  Travis had moved back in after a breakup and was sort of floating along until we met, so over the past year he has been steadily moving toward getting his own place.  I had moved back in also after a breakup and was working on paying my debt off and saving up to move out.

So, Travis now has a stable, 40 hour a week job.  And has his own place.  Those were the last two checkboxes on my list.  Travis and I had some very candid talks when we first met about what each of us wanted in a long term relationship.  We both had all of the standards – honesty, companionship, etc.  I had a couple of extras.  First, I won’t move in if and until we’re married. Second, I would like to be a stay at home when I have kids one day.  Third, I need to have a man that has a stable, full time job.  No stipulations on what job, just that it is stable and pays what’s necessary to raise a family, and I don’t mean an extravagant lifestyle, I just mean clothes on our backs and food on the table.

When Travis started to bring up marriage, he had some concerns on where he was in his life and if I would accept any sort of proposal if/when that did come up.  I told him all I really wanted was for him to go full time at the bank and to have his own place.  He went to school for HVAC but it doesn’t matter to me if he does that or if he stays at his current employer and just works to move up.  As long as it’s full time and stable – those are my only two conditions.

So, it looks like he has reached the bottom of my list.

And I have to say I’m so fucking proud to have him as my man.  He’s worked his ass off over the last year and a half and has definitely done some "soul searching" for lack of a less corny term.  He’s made some promises since we’ve been together.  And I told him that I expect any promises made to be kept, both from him and from me.  And I’ll be damned if he hasn’t kept every one of them.  Guess I have me a keeper 🙂

Anyway, last night we found this awesome little pizza place and actually had sort of a romantic dinner.  Then headed out to hang out with some friends and play some pool.  Then back to his apartment for some more relaxation, munchies and movies 🙂

Then today it was back to packing and cleaning at my house.  Hopefully after next weekend everything will be ready for the realtor, we can get the house on the market and get it sold. 

Alright.  Guess I better get my beauty sleep. 


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April 11, 2011

Glad things are going well for him!

April 12, 2011

yay, i love when boys do good!

April 27, 2011

I am so glad to be reading these entries. Its great to see how things can work out for people. Its not always a great thing at first but what starts as only the basics can make there way up to the extraordinary!