At the airport

I’ll be on my way home shortly… an hour and 20 minutes until my flight.  My Mom and I are sitting in the Oakland airport right now, outside the security check so we can smoke until we absolutely have to go in.  Whatever happened to smoking rooms in airports?  Ah well, what can ya do 🙂

I had a fantastic week.  I got to see a friend I hadn’t seen in 6 years, got to see tons of family, and got to see California.  Now I can officially add Cali to my list of places I have been.  Not too shabby – New York, Virginia, Florida, California, Texas, Louisiana, the Philippines, Australia… now I just need to add Europe 🙂

Funny moment – we took the airport shuttle from the car rental place to the airport.  There are two terminals in Oakland – one for Southwest and one for all other airlines.  The shuttle stopped at the All Other Airlines terminal first.  The bus was full, the driver stopped and opened the doors, and everyone just looked around at each other.  No one got up.  Everyone just laughed and the driver shut the doors.  Guess Southwest is popular 🙂

Oh, another funny moment.  when I was in Sacramento I saw one of those green mileage signs.  You know, the kind that lists the city name and number of miles.  Sacramento – 10, Some other City – 15, Ocean City, MD – 3037.  What???  Why would you need to know how far it is to Maryland from California?  Sooo odd.

Final funny moment.  Well, not funny funny… but well, yeah, funny.  We were driving in Oakland and there was a sign on the back of a bus that said "Children are falling out of windows every day in California" or something to that extent.   Then it gave a bulleted list of tips regarding safety with kids and open windows.  One tip – A window screen will not stop your child from falling out of a window.

Okay Californians… really?  Do you need that tip?  Come on now.  I couldn’t stop laughing.  I mean, yes it’s sad that kids fall out of windows.  But it’s even sadder that we have to give a bulleted list of tips on how to prevent your child from doing so.


Just wanted to write a short blurb because I’m bored at the airport and have nothing better to do 🙂  Perhaps a better entry later.


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