July – You Bitch
I’m really really really hating this month. I stayed up til 6 o’clock this morning working my ass off to pay rent and be able to make my bff’s 21st bday next weekend. That was exhausting enough, but I just found out today that the university I’m trying to get into never got one of my transcripts, even though the other college swears they sent it, and now the extended deadline is approaching and I honestly can’t stand attending community college anymore…to top it off – NO ONE is answering their phones so that I can find out what the heck is going on with my transcripts!!!!!
And as if that’s not enough….the house that my boyfriend and his best friend thought they were signing for this Friday completely backed out. The owner backed out last minute because they decided not to rent out to two college graduates after all….seriously what the freakin fuck?! It’s not like they’re freshman and gonna go through that party phase and completely trash everything. So, they found another house 2 blocks from the original and his best friend’s gonna go check it out in 30 min. The big problem is, though, that he needs to move in this Saturday since his current lease is up and we all thought they had it made with the first house. I think I need to go say a rosary or something because we definitely need some God in this whole mess.
I never thought I’d say this, but I can’t wait until summer’s over. It’s been nothing but flood rains, large ass mosquitos, minimal sun, no tans, NO alcohol, lots of cabin fever, big fuck ups, and stress. AAAhhhh!!!!