the code word today is metolazone

metolazone is a thyozide working water pill.  it works from the kidneys out to the bladder and does not let water reabsorb back into the system.  it causes lower blood volume.  to me that says less blood volume, less oxygen carriers to the brain….. not enough brain food causes me to to have interesting ideas going through my head.  not neccessarily good ides mind you, just interesting ones.
this drug also makes you sleepy.  that makes sense to me too,
i’ll be right back, i have to go pee.  which i do well now…….

i must make away.  don’t it sound cool?  i must make away to the outside and wait for the short bus.  there is something wrong with the people on the short bus…. shhhh.

i will see if i can come back to here.  from out there.  our project for today.

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November 8, 2012

I hope it works wonders for you.

November 8, 2012

I hope it works for you. Hugs!!


Sigh. Thinking good thoughts for you and wishing you better health.

November 8, 2012

Less blood volume just means less fluid, not fewer red blood cells, which are the ones that carry oxygen to tissues and pick up CO2 to drop off in the lungs to be breathed out.

November 8, 2012

Hmm, the new med does sound interesting…

November 9, 2012

RYN: never an ass. No one can know everything about everything. 🙂 Iron levels are good to check, RBC count (red blood cells). It could just be the drug itself giving your mind interesting ideas. With hugs and blessings…

November 9, 2012

I sure hope this works!!! [[[huggs]]]

I added you, sorry I didn’t after the fiasco I went through. I never did hear back from my cardiologist today, but I go next Friday so that may be why. I do eat a lot of foods with iron (I LOVE spinach) and I take an over-50 mens vitamin. I still wonder if my metoprolol is doing it, since they had me stop taking lisinopril and it made no difference.

November 10, 2012

ryn: I was half asleep when noting you, thought I had told you, I’m sorry!!! YES!!!! I’m SO excited, this ‘clasp’ is PERFECT for me!!!! JR will love her necklace and she works today, so I will surprise her today!!! I’ll be sending you something very soon!!! I’ll email first!! YOU ARE THE BOMB!!!!! Thank you:)