bad dog!
So we were talking about eating dog (as you do) during tonight’s
business English class. I answered their question in the negative, “No,
I haven’t eaten dog” (and have no inclination, either slight or
intense, to do so. I’m a food coward, and I really am okay with that
now. Just say no to fido.)
I was explaining how one shouldn’t say, “I like eating dog food” but rather “I like eating dog meat”
(a finer detail in a sentence upon which I never thought I’d be
elaborating) and also how one should say, “I like dogs” (I love
animals, I like having pet dogs) as opposed to “I like dog” (pass the
barbecue sauce). However, they all assured me they really do actually
like dog. Hmm.
Later, in response to conversation questions, I shared a fun
childhood memory of riding my brother’s motorbike with my pet dog
shoved down the front of my jumper with his little head poking out
enjoying the ride. One of the businessmen said, “Ahh.. emergency
I think he was serious.
This morning, I looked out the balcony windows and seriously thought we
were in the middle of a blizzard. The snow was pelting down and it was
frighteningly windy. I jumped on msn to leave my boyfriend a message,
something like, “Wow.. there’s a blizzard! There’s snow flying
everywhere and it’s like a typhoon the winds are so
So when the phone woke me up an hour later, I was expecting to look out
on a landscape covered in a couple of feet of snow. I looked outside,
and couldn’t believe it. The sun was shining and there was no snow
anywhere. I mean, none. Nothing. What the? I was so embarrassed, when my Canadian (“you call
this snow?!”) friend Mel ridiculed me for not knowing they were merely snow flurries. Come on… snow flurries? Please! I’m from the Sunshine Coast, in sunny Queensland, the Sunshine State. What do I know of flurries?
Well, other than the Mc kind…
Only four more sleeps!