
Why does listening to loud depressing music make me feel good in some way?


I dont really know what I’m in the mood to write about right now.  So be fore warned

I had a random dream where I was poor but extremely happy.  Im not much for thinking that my dreams mean something but they are fun to think about exp when seem so damn real. 

So… ya i forgot to say that that I went on a run yesterday to try and relive some stress. I ended up running 3.8 miles in 35 minutes.  That is the farthest I’ve gone since working out again.  I was really wishing it would wipe me out,…. it didnt. 🙁   I was rather frustrated at that.   I just wanted to punish myself, idk

I am looking forward for it getting warmer so I can run outside in my five finger shoes again http://www.vibramfivefingers.com/products/products_classic_m.cfm

All this cold weather is getting me down.  I need some sun on my face to cheer me up. 

Tomorrow im going to work out in the morning and then its back to office.  Ya working on the weekend sucks.  Oh well I’m nice

idk why someone would want to read this.  I dont think I’m interesting



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February 6, 2010

That last line sounded like something i would write in high school, no one wants to read this. P.S. stop that. I am reading.