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June 20, 2010

haha the drummer is funny. haha that put me in a better mood as well 😛 talk soon! much lovee…

June 20, 2010

ohh and thanks for ur notes! 🙂 agreed… i hate getting sunburned!! and yes i agree that if u dont say anything its def worse.. much lovee…

June 21, 2010

This video made me laugh XD. Thanks for sharing it. I totally see what you mean about the Chris Farley thing. It also made me remember a drummer I saw one time that reminded me of Animal from the Muppets lol. Good stuff! Love + Peace.

June 21, 2010

Ryn: Thanks for the hulu tip 😉 I thought they took all of them off of hulu, but there are still a few of them on there. As well as some of the “just for fun” type videos 🙂